Chapter 9: Love Stories

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C H A P T E R 9: Love Stories

"I don't want" I covered myself with the blankets while my mum tried to wake me up.

"You have to go and rehears remember today is the play?!" She said grabbing the blankets and pulling them away.

"I don't want to act mum. I like being tree number two!" I said covering my face with my pillow.

"Alexa come on stand up!" She said begging. My mum waited so long for this. I'm usually a good girl and wake up at the time I have to without my mum having to yell at me. Nevertheless I kinda feel like she's enjoying this, She hasn't been the normal mum. We don't fight about so many things because I usually do what I have to do without having my mum to tell me.

"Ugh fine mum!" I exclaimed and stood up. She smiled and went out of the room. I grabbed my phone and saw I have a text.

From: Bae
Good Morning Alexa! See you in a bit(;

A smiled appeared in my face as soon as I read that.

To: Ethan
Good Morning Ethan! See you in some

I texted back. With that I saw the time and it was 7 in the morning. I have enough to time to shower and eat breakfast considering I have to be at school at 8 in the morning.

I grabbed a shirt, my gray joggers and my underwear then made my way to the bathroom. Once I was done showering I brushed my teeth, combed my hair then putted my hair in a ponytail a very messy ponytail if you ask me. I saw the time in my phone and it was 7:25 in the morning. I'm so early I could've slept more and would be at time. I made my way to the kitchen were my mum was making breakfast. My dad was probably showering or something. My mum gave me a plate of eggs with bacon and toast plus a cup of orange juice and I started eating she sat with me watching me eat.

"I like that guy Ethan for you" she suddenly said making me choke in my juice. I started coughing until I finally was back to the normal.

"What?!" I said and drank more juice.

"I saw the way he looks at you in the door, when you talked in the table, when you both were acting and I entered it didn't even seemed like he was acting! It's the look your dad gives to the food. And he's a good guy. Your dad and I agreed that. I don't know maybe I'm wrong but I really think you both would look cute together." She finally ended up. He looked at me when I was talking? Well Ethan I didn't expected that. I remember when I was little my grandma (yes the one who got stuck up in the couch) used to tell me stories. Love stories, that were amazing and I loved to hear. I remember she described the look this guy gave to his wife  'he looked at her as if she was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. The brightness in his eyes was the brightness you see in someone's eyes when they see all they ever wanted. The love he haves for her it's amazing. He talks about her as the perfect woman. And he sees her as everything he needs. He doesn't regrets marrying her, he says that's one of the best decisions he has ever made... Their love is a love many wished. Like a love story' I just remember that paragraph because I remembered I wished someday I could have a love be like theirs. I want someone to look at me how the guy of that story looked at his wife. My grandma still tells me stories like those but she knows my favorite is that one. She tells me it's a real story and I always ask her who are those two but she never tells me.

"Well Ethan and I are just mates mum nothing else" I said eating a piece of bacon and popping her balloon and Somehow popping mine too.

"That's what you say now but I bet you both will end up together. Now hurry up because you'll be late!" She said and stood up. I glanced at my phone and saw that it was still early. I ended up eating, brushed my teeth again and ate a piece of gum. Then I threw it to the trash because it didn't had flavor at all.

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