Chapter 32: Unknown Feeling.

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C H A P T E R 32: Unknown Feeling.

"First we are going to the store" Ethan said. We stopped running once we made sure we were far enough of our houses. It's the first time I sneak out and I'm loving the way it feels.

We started walking towards this 24 hour store called seven-eleven. When we arrived there, he opened the door letting me enter first.

"What are we going to buy?" I asked following behind him.

"Snacks." He answered and started grabbing all types of chips and candies. After grabbing almost all the candies and chips section we headed towards the drinks. I just grabbed some green iced tea and he went for some type of Coke, plus two water bottles.

The cashier looked weirdly at us when he saw all the things we were about to buy.

"It's not as weird as it looks" I laughed and the man did as well.

When he told us how much it would be my eyes grew wide. I took out some money and gave it to Ethan.

"I can pay don't worry." He laughed waving off my money.

"It's a lot. Please take it, I would feel bad if I let you pay for all of this." I told him and he shook his head.

"It's all good. I was the one who suggested. Let me pay." He said and before he could give the cashier the money I grabbed it. I returned him half of his money and put some of mine. That way I paid for half and he did as well. Afterwards I handed to the cashier the money.

"You paid half and I paid half" I simply said grabbing two bags, thanking the man and leaving him the other two.

"Next time I'm paying all even if it's a lot" he warned and I nodded. He opened the door for me and we started walking.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's not far" he answered and with that we continued walking me following him.

"So did you already bought your dress?" He asked.

"I did I loved it! It's so beautiful!" I exclaimed. It's the first time I ever go to a dance and I'm so excited to see how's gonna be. I turned to look at him at my side to find him already staring at me with a smile, making the butterflies and sparks go all around. I stopped walking and he did as well.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked trying to hide the fact that I was blushing.

"I'm staring at you because you're beautiful and I can't believe I have such an amazing girl as my girlfriend. I'm lucky to have you" and that ladies and gentlemen, made my stomach go wild.

"I'm the lucky one here. Out of all the beautiful girls out there wanting to have you, I'm the one who does. I can't be more thankful of having such an amazing boy as my boyfriend." I answered back, and under the very little amount of light that let me see his face, I could still tell he blushed a little after my complement.

"See what I say!" He exclaimed and I laughed.

We continued to walk and we arrived to this beautiful park with tons of trees and flowers of all kinds. It was beautiful.

We sat under a tree, I placed my head in his shoulder and he placed his arm around my shoulders.

"I have this weird feeling." I suddenly spoke.

"How would you describe it?" He asked.

"I don't know but it feels good to make something I've never done before." I answered, he laughed.

"That's how you should feel always. I should take you out on more adventures"

"That would be cool" I replied.

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