Chapter 42: interesting day

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C H A P T E R 42: interesting day.

Ethan's Pov.

"Yes, Ethan that one looks amazing as well" Alex answered. It's her nephews birthday and she invited me to his party, so I had to come to the shopping centre and get a shirt since the one I had planned on using, got messed up by the washer.

"Out of the three of them which one" I alder once I got out of the changing room. She took a glance at the three shirts I was holding up, one grey, one white and one black with white.

"I think the white one" she finally answered, I nodded and went to put the other two shirts back in their place. I payed for them and with that set we went out of the store.

"Let's go for something to eat" I suggested and she nodded. We went to buy milkshakes. We walked all the way to the place holding hands, I noticed she didn't covered her scars up and that made me wonder, why?

"I have to buy makeup" she suddenly said as if she read my mind. That explains it all.

"We'll go after the milkshakes" I answered and she nodded.

"I would like a chocolate milkshake please" she said and the lady from the place nodded.

"I'll get a chocolate one as well please" with that said, I payed for the milkshakes and once we got them, we decided to sit at a bench near the water fountain that's in the middle of the shopping centre.

"Aren't you gonna buy your makeup?" I asked before taking a sip of the milkshake.

"Let's finish this first" she laughed an I nodded.

"I want to commit suicide" a guy that was standing next to Alex suddenly said. She worriedly turned to look at him.

"What happens?" She asked the guy even though she did not knew of who he was.

"Do you want to listen to me?" The guy surprised asked.

"Sure" she answered. "Can you make a space Ethan?" She asked and I nodded I moved a little to a side and she did as well, the guy sat next to her and we both turned to look at him. He looked a little older than us.

"What happens?" She asked. Don't get me wrong, I'm really glad she's whiling to help him, but just a couple days ago she had a really bad break down, I'm not sure if this will help her or make her feel bad once again.

"It's just that my life has been a mess lately, everything. People don't like me and they tell me how much of a bad guy I am, they call me names in school just because of my good grades and It has gone to the point were I don't see the point of living anymore" the guy spoke. Oh god his story is just like Alexa's. Just by her facial expression you could tell it hit her.

"Look, I know how it feels to be treated like that, but you have family to live for...they would be devastated if you go, I would be devastated even though I just met you and I bet Ethan would be as well. You have to carry on for the things you love, you are strong don't let anyone tell you different. I don't know how old you are, but you seem young so just remember that this period of your life isn't even half of what you still have to live. Life is just about this, in our way we have tons of obstacles and we fall and it's your decision if you want to carry on, but I promise you that the day you stand up to continue, believe me it's the best feeling. At the end it's just like that quote, 'Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain.' So next time someone tells you something you slay them hoes like a king" she finished saying and laughed a little at the last part, the guy and I did as well. I can't believe how she took this situation.

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