Chapter 19: For what?.

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C H A P T E R 19: For what?.

I can't sleep. It's 2:14 am and I can't fucking sleep. I sat on my bed and grabbed my phone from the night stand next to the gigantic bed I'm in.

To: Bae
Ethan I can't sleep

I don't expect him to answer if I'm honest. I mean it's 2 am who would be up?

Oh but I was wrong.

From: Bae
Neither I

To: Bae
What a coincidence. Where are you sleeping?

I know There's only one bed in the guys room.

From: Bae
Between Jakob and Chris.

To: Bae
HAHAHA cuddle with one of them.

There was a knock on my door. I stood up and made my way there. I opened it to see Ethan. He smiled but I closed the door.

"Hey!" He exclaimed from outside. I feel so bad for doing that but I'm a mess right now.

"I'm sorry but I look terrible and my hair and I look more ugly Than always" I said. I like him, and I care of how he looks at me.

"Alex open the door you know I don't care" he chuckled from the other side of the door.

"Ethan I seriously look terrible"

"You always look beautiful, stunning, gorgeous, amazing, perfect and I can go on and on" he said. Oh lord he's so sweet, I slowly started opening the door until it was completely open and I could completely see him.

"See! You look amazing" he said and I laughed. This kid makes me go crazy and feel sparks and butterflies all day.

"Come on let's go sit somewhere" he said and grabbed my hand. I closed the door behind me. We walked to the end of the hallway and sat in a corner, him next to me.

He was playing with my right hand. He stopped a moment and then his finger traced a straight line in my wrist. The scar of when I cut not to long ago. He looked deeply into it, he stared at it as if it was something he has never seen before. He started rubbing the scar as if it would disappear.. He kissed the scar and and continued to rub it.

"This was my fault" he suddenly speak not daring to look away from the scar.

"It wasn't. Don't blame yourself for the actions I do" I said. I hate the fact he thinks it's his fault. I hate it with all my guts. He's the most sweet person and he doesn't deserves to feel like it's his fault.

"It was. I should've been there with you. None of this would've happened if I was there" he said. I slightly made him look at me.

"It's not your fault. Don't blame it on you. You have been there for me since we know each other and that's amazing." I smiled and he did to. I haven't been this close to his face since the play we made at school when I kissed him. The memories came back, I giggled and looked away.

"What are you thinking?" He asked putting an arm around my shoulders.

"I was remembering the day of the play" I said placing my head in his shoulder.

"You looked amazing as Juliet. Let's not talk about your acting skills" he laughed and I did too.

"Well thank you. You also looked handsome as Romeo. It was way more easy for me to act with you being him"


"I don't know. Since the day I met you some sort of thing makes me think I can trust you." I said and he nodded.

"Same. It feels like we have known each other for ages" he placed his head on top of mine while I played with his fingers.

It was silence. Pure silence. Not of the awkward one. Just silence. No word or sound came from either of us. There was only a few lights on in the hallway but other than that everything was dark.

I feel so comfy with Ethan. He gives me this feeling that makes me never want to let go of him. He's just an amazing guy in every single way. I'm just so lucky to have him and right now, for more crazy this sounds, I'm thanking Jake Davis with all my heart for pushing me to that wall. Because if it wasn't because of him, I would never have met the guys and my life would be so miserable. I could even be dead.

"Thank you Ethan" I whispered closing my eyes. I could feel his head getting up and I bet he was staring at me.

"For what?" He asked confused.

"For entering to my life" I ended up. There was a little silence but I don't regret a bit what I just said.

"Thank you Alexa" he spoke.

"For what?" I asked confused.

"For making mine even better" he said and gave me a kiss in the forehead. I wait a moment and quickly gave him a kiss in the cheek putting my head back in his shoulder afterwards.

After a long while of sitting there in completely silence we decide to go back to sleep. He leaved me outside my door.

"See you in a little bit" he said laughing. I know I'm not gonna sleep a lot but I don't care.

"Goodnight Ethan"

"Goodnight Alex"

And with that, I fell asleep at 4:02 am.

Authors Note:

Hello Loyal Readers!

I know this is a short chapter, I apologise. I just wanted to keep it short because it was such a cute moment to ruin it with other things so yah. (Hopefully that made sense)

By the way I apologise for the bad grammar and all that stuff I promise I'll edit it.

I hope you enjoyed this cheesy as hell chapter! Let me know by leaving a comment and voting. It makes me so happy when you all do!

Also, thank you for 1.2k!! The Loyal Reader fam is groing😂

Remember your beautiful, amazing, gorgeous and that I love you so freaking tons<3

–A xx

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