Chapter 13: What's the point?

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C H A P T E R 13: What's the point?

Alexa's Pov

Monday. I don't have energies to move. Since the last bye to my grandma the only thing I have done is been in bed all day and shower of course. Ethan stayed there with me all that time and I'm so grateful because he always makes me feel a little better.

"Alexa wake up honey" my mum slightly moved me.

"Mum I don't want to go. I don't have energy. Can I please stay here? Just today. I promise tomorrow I'll go and you won't have to wake me up" I begged to my mum. Another reason why I don't want to go is because I just don't feel like being bullied today, its going to be the best way to help me feel better. My mum thought about my 'offer' for a moment. A very, very long moment that just made me think she was going to deny.

"Okay but just today. I also think it's not a good idea for you to go. Sleep more or if you want I can make you some breakfast before your dad and I go to work ?" She asked. The bag under her eyes were so easy to see even though she clearly tried to cover them with makeup. She needs some rest, why is she going to work?? She needs some sleep as well as my dad.

"No mum I'm fine I think I'll sleep a little bit more. " I answered politely, she nodded and made her way out of my room. I turned to grab my phone from the nightstand beside my bed and looked I had a message from the only person who cares, or well at least acts and makes me believe it.

From: Bae
Hey Beautiful, Good Morning! Do you want me to go for you?

He told me beautiful! My cheeks warmed up and a humongous smile grew in my face. Ethan knows how to make me go from 0 to 100, but then again this time to 0 because my grandma keeps appearing in my mind.

To: Bae
Hey Ethan, Good Morning and thank you! I will not go to school today so...

Within some moments later I got a reply from him.

From: Bae
Oh okay... I hope you feel better soon(: I'm a text away if you need anything!

He so does cares.

To: Bae
Thank you Ethan talk to you later<3

I took the courage and sent him a heart... A HEART. Do you know how risky that is? Oh my goodness I regret sending that heart so bad. I put the phone down and start panicking. He's gonna think like him! (Even though I really do) but I'm making it more obvious. And that's wrong! My phone made the sound that signals me I got a text. I'm to afraid to see what he answered. I took the courage and grabbed the phone to see what he answered.

From: Bae
No problem Alexa, Talk to you later<3

HE ANSWERED ME WITH A HEART OH MY FREAKIN GOD. I wanted to scream so bad. I heard the car engine start signaling my parents are off to work. Their boss is not nice to give them a day to recover?!


My entire day consisted in me eating while watching tv. I would've text Ethan or the guys but as I said, they're in school. Once I was sure enough they were out of school I decided to text them.

Hey kiddos!

Moments later I received a text back from Jaqueline. I swear every time I see either Jakob's or Chris' contact names in my phone it makes me crack up in laughter.

From: CJEA (Jaqueline)

From: CJEA (Christina)
Girrrrlll we missed you! Even though we haven't seen each other since Friday

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