Chapter 36

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Emma sat on the bench out by the docks. She enjoyed hearing the bells ringing in the wind, and the saltwater air. Even though it was cold, the water kept it's constant rocking. She was enjoying the view of the horizon when someone sat next to her. She looked over hoping that it wasn't Killian, because then he would drag her back home.

"I do enjoy the view from here." An English accent said from beside her.

Emma looked over and saw that new kid, Will. "Yea. I do too."

He turned to Emma. "I don't think we have been formerly introduced. Will Scarlett." He stuck his hand out for Emma to shake it.

"I know who you are." Emma shook his hand so she could be polite. "Emma Swan." She had the strangest sense that she had met this guy before. She knew a guy named Will when she was with Neal, but he had blonde hair, glasses, acne, and he definitely didn't have an English accent. After ten more minutes,  Emma got up, said her farewells, and went back home. When she walked in the door, and was crushed by a hug.

"Please don't scare me like that Swan!" Killian yelled.

"Scare you? I went for a walk." Emma said.

"You weren't answering your phone, and I thought that something happened to you."

Emma took her phone out of her pocket, and seven missed calls were on the screen from him. "I'm fine. I needed to clear my head."

Killian backed away from her and smiled. "You went to the docks. You're just like me."

"How did you know?"

"Well love, the salt smell on your clothes didn't give any tell that's for sure." He said sarcastically.

Emma rolled her eyes and sat down on the couch. She put the news on, and it was endless and pointless stories. Killian sat next to her and wrapped an arm around her. "I rented a movie, if you wanted to watch it." He held up the movie, Leprechaun.

"Sure, I mean what's better then watching an evil leprechaun kill people?" Emma said returning the sarcasm that he had shown earlier.

He put the movie in the Xbox and it began playing. Half way through it, Emma's phone rang. She went into the bedroom and answered it.

"Is this Miss Emma Nolan?" The woman asked.

"Yes, who is this?" Emma asked.

"This is Jamie, secretary at the sheriff's department. The sheriff wanted me to let you know that there was a match for the prints."

"Okay, who was it?" Emma asked already knowing the answer.

"Milah Smith. Do you know her?"

"Yes I do."

"Well Miss Nolan, you will get your money back in full."

"Thank you."

Emma hung up the phone and went back out to the living room. She sat on Killian's lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Why are you so happy?" He asked with a smirk.

"Oh they just got Milah's prints here. She's the one who took the money. I mean I already knew that, but the cops wouldn't take a hunch."

"Just be happy that you are getting your money back love."

"Oh I am."

They finished the movie, and went to bed. Emma had that dream again.

She saw Princess Emma in a different outfit from before. She was in a loose comfortable looking outfit. Her shirt was light red and brown, and she had leather pants, and knee high boots. A sword hung on her side. She was pacing in the cabin when she looked up and saw her dream friend.

"Emma! I'm so glad that you are here!" Princess Emma exclaimed.

"Why what's wrong? What did Hook do?" Emma asked.

"Nothing. He has actually been very kind to me. But he has gone above deck to fight another pirate. His name is Blackbeard."

"Blackbeard? Wow, okay. Is Captain Jack Sparrow real too?" Emma asked sarcastically.

"Yes. Jack Sparrow is a very close friend to Hook. But never mind that. I think Hook is in danger. He hasn't returned."

Emma listened closely. Footsteps and the sound of metal clashing was heard above her. "You know what, I can't fight. I don't know how, but Killian said  that you know how to. Go up there and defend him!" She yelled.

Princess Emma nodded and ran above deck. Then she woke up. She looked over and Killian was sleeping peacefully beside her. She just hoped that the princess would be okay. She reached over and the time was 4:23, and she had a text message from an unknown number, even though it said who it was. The text was only sent two minutes ago.

'Emma, it's Will.'

'How did you get this number?'

'I have my ways. ;)'

'I already have a flirty guy in my life. I'd prefer not to have another.'

'Sorry beautiful. I can't help it.'

'If I were you, I would stop.'

'Okay okay fine. I just wanted to let you know that I have your number.'

'Right. Well considering that it's 4:30 in the morning, I'm going back to sleep.'

After that, Emma didn't get another text. She laid back down next to Killian, and he subconsciously wrapped his arm around her. She snuggled up into his chest and feeling his warmth. She soon fell asleep listening to his steady breathing and low snore. She didn't dream of pirates or princesses again. Before she fell asleep, she wondered what was going around in Killian's head. What were the types of things he thought about? Little did she know, was that his head was filled of thoughts of her. She was the best thing to happen to him. He suddenly jolted awake at 5:30 from his phone ringing. It was his mom.

"What's wrong mom?" He said groggily. "It's 5:30 in the morning. I don't have to be up until six."

"Killian Jones, you will not talk to me like that I am your mother!" She was in tears.

"Mom? What's wrong?" Killian said with sleep fading away fast.

"Your brother. Somethings happened."

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