Chapter 40 Part 2

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Killian and Emma walked over to the refreshments table, and Emma was silently hoping that Milah wouldn't see them, but she did. She waltzed her way over to Killian, and ran her hand along his back. He tensed up knowing that the rough touch wasn't Emma. He turned his head to Milah and looked her dead in the eye.

"I have not come here to dishonor Emma. That is bad form. She is my date, not you. Don't pretend like you will get me because you won't. Now, back off!" Killian said.

"Awe Killian, I don't think that it is Opposite Day." Milah said moving her hand up to his neck.

Killian grabbed her wrist and put her hand down onto the table. "It's not, now stop. I don't like you, and nor will I."

He linked arms with Emma and went back to the table that Regina, Robin, Ruby, and Victor were at.

"I saw you guys talking to Milah." Regina said with a glare.

"Yea, more like arguing. She wants thinks that I'm going to leave Emma for her." Killian said.

"Still?" Robin asked.

Emma and Killian nodded. A photographer came around and took pictures of everyone smiling. After he left, the kids continued their conversation.

"How are we going to get her to quit?" Ruby asked.

"Get someone to like her." Emma said.

"How can we do that? She's a bitch!" Regina said waving her hands for exaggeration. "Even more than I am, and that says a lot."

"I'm not sure, but getting it through her head isn't working, because obviously she isn't getting it." Robin said.

"Or you can pretend to be her boyfriend." Victor said and everyone gave him questioning looks. "You two "break up" then Killian goes to Milah. Once you "get together" be a clingy boyfriend. Then she'll hate you, and break up with you, and move on."

"Do you really that could work?" Emma asked.

"It's a pretty good idea, and as long as she doesn't suspect anything, then you could pull it off." Victor stated.

"Then I guess we should get this over with." Killian said standing up.

"Wait!" Emma said. She stood up and gave him a kiss. She leaned her forehead against his. "I love you."

"I love you too. This won't go on forever Swan." Killian said.

"I know. I just can't stand seeing you with her."

"It won't be easy being with her either." He gave her another kiss and held onto her hand for as long as he could.

Killian walked over to Milah who was standing by the refreshments table. He had a sad look on his face.

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you. You were right." He said.

"Right about what?" Milah asked smiling to herself.

"Everything between me and Emma and you. I was just too scared to admit it. The truth is, that I have liked you more than Emma."

Milah stepped closer to him. "So, do you want to become a thing?"

"More than that." Killian kissed Milah, and she generously returned it. He pulled away and held her hand. "Let's dance love."

As he led her over to the dance floor he was thinking about that kiss. 'God, how I wish that was Emma. Has this girl ever kissed anyone before?' They began to dance at the slow song, and he saw jealousy in Emma's eyes. He took this to his advantage. Killian dipped Milah and whispered to her. "Look at Emma's face love."

Milah titled her head back and saw jealousy and rage on her face and in her eyes. She laughed and looked back at Killian. "I still think that she looks like a blonde gopher, even though that is priceless."

Killian restrained himself from strangling Milah right then and there. They finished the dance and stayed with each other for the rest of the night. He drove her home later that night.

"Where are you going to sleep now Killian?" Milah asked trying to mimic one of his smirks.

"I'm going to pack my stuff up and go back to my moms house. There is absolutely no way that I'm going back to that bitch's house." Killian said.

Milah nodded and gave him a kiss. He watched her walk into her house and sped away. He went back to his and Emma's apartment. He walked through the door and Emma was sitting in the couch.

"You're back!" Emma said. She got up to hug him but he pushed her off.

"Let me shower first." He rushed into the bathroom.

Emma laughed and sat back down on the couch. She watched tv for an hour until he came out of the bathroom. Without hesitation he put his lips on hers.

"I'm not complaining but what was that for?" Emma asked breaking away from the kiss.

"I needed to kiss someone who knew what she was doing, and how to make me happy." Killian said.

"What do you mean? I kiss you like I do everyone else."

He kissed her again. "You are such a better kisser than she is."

Emma laughed and hugged him. "Please tell me that you won't fall for her."

Killian nodded vigorously. "She says things about you that I can't stand. I am yours."

"Forever and always?"

"Forever and always."

They watched tv for awhile before heading to bed. They slept closer together than they ever had. Emma didn't want to lose him, but she knew for this to work, she had to have patience.

Killian went over to Milah's house early the next morning. He brought her a bouquet of lilies, which he learned that was her favorite flower. "For you m'lady."

She took the flowers and smelled them. "Thanks." Milah turned around to take the flowers inside, but he spun her around.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To put these in a vase before school. Why?"

"Oh, well I should come with you."

"I think I can put flowers in a vase without injuring myself Killian." She started walking into her kitchen, and he followed her. She turned around and almost ran into him. "Are you okay?"

"Fine. I'm fine! I just don't want to lose you." He hugged her tightly.

"Okay." Milah said uncomfortably.

'This is going to work!' He thought to himself. He put his arm around her and hugged her tightly. "Let's get to school. Then I can walk you to your classes, and sit with you at lunch, then take you home. I'll even help you with your homework if you want."

"You don't mean to do all of that do you?" Milah asked.

"Of course I do! It's just the guy that I am."

Milah laughed nervously, and he could tell that she didn't like this clinging stuff. He knew that she would want to break up eventually. All was going according to plan.

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