luke's diary

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Friday March 29

It was 4:30 in the morning, and I was in my room with Redd. She cried so much that her makeup got washed away. I tried cheering her up, but she wouldn't stop screaming. She knelt down on the ground, covered her ears, and pressed her forehead onto the floor. This time, she screamed louder. And when she looked at me, she slapped me really hard on my face. I asked Redd if she took hallucinogens last night, and she nodded. Then she slapped my face again. "YOU IDIOT STAY AWAY FROM ME!" She screamed. I flinched and carried her onto my bed. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" She screamed again. There were tears coming out of her eyes. "Redd! listen to me. Tell me everything you did last night." I said, holding her hands tightly. "I'M NOT GOING TO TALK TO YOU, DEMON! I HAVE A GUN WITH ME, SO YOU BETTER STEP BACK" Redd shouted, aggressively. She pushed me away and pointed her gun in front of my legs. I saw more tears coming out. "Redd, Redd no, please don't do this! You need to put that thing down, right now!" I cried. "STOP TELLING ME WHAT TO DO! I'M A WOMAN, SO I COULD DO WHATEVER STUFF I WANT!" She shouted. And I gasped in shock. She was slowly walking toward me and she was pointing the gun near my neck. Redd was about to pull the trigger, but luckily, I slapped her hand and she dropped her gun. Then she slapped my face 10 times and I slapped her face 10 times. "REDD! STOP ALL THIS NONSENSE NOW! I'M TIRED OF YOU TRYING TO HURT PEOPLE. AND IF YOU HURT PEOPLE AGAIN, I'M SERIOUSLY GONNA CUT LOOSE AND SHAVE YOUR HEAD! IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?" I shrieked. I noticed Redd feeling frightened because of me. I regretted my words and tried apologizing. But Redd cried and ran out of my room. WHY DO I HAVE TO BE SUCH A JERK!!?? I thought. Calum came into my room and asked me some questions, like, "Why is Redd crying?" and "Did you mean to do it?". Then he said that Redd probably went back to her house and rested. And that I could speak to her tomorrow morning. I didn't tell Calum that Redd took hallucinogens. But I didn't know if what she said was real. So I planned of going back to sleep and preparing to speak to Redd tomorrow morning.

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