luke's diary

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Sunday April 1

I was sick today, and nobody was in the house, so Redd was my nurse. She was a good nurse. I mean, She did everything a nurse would do. She even dressed up as a nurse. She looked pretty cool. Anyway, right when Redd was about to give me my medicine, Michael showed up and he said he was sick too. He was probably jealous of Redd being my nurse. So he wanted her to be his nurse too. "Michael, just go lay on the couch and I'll call Michelle to be your nurse. Is that ok with you?" She asked. "Oh, um, yeah that's ok" Michael replied, making his way to the couch. He started to gag and cover his mouth. Luckily, Nurse Redd held a trash can in front of him right before he puked. It was a gross sight. But hard to ignore. "Oh God, I need to call Michelle STAT!" Redd panicked a bit and called Michelle. And after 5 minutes, Michelle appeared in my room. "Mikey! I missed you so much!" She squealed and hugged him tightly, Which caused him to throw up again. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" Michelle cried. "Oh, ouch, uh yeah that's ok. Oh shi-" Michael moaned, but he got cut off by me when he nearly sweared. "Michael! don't swear in front of her!" I yell-whispered. "Luke, wait here, I'm going to bring Michael and Michelle to a separate room. Ok?" Redd asked. I nodded and watched her bring the both of them out. Then after that, me and Redd were all alone. "Oh no! Redd, I have homework. I promised the principal that I would do my chemistry homework over the summer." I gasped and ran to my work table. But Redd stopped me. "Luke, please, rest. For me. I'll do your chemistry homework." She said, bringing me back to bed. So I slept. Napped, more like. Yawn. I'm tired. I need to stop writing now. *Falls asleep*

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