Luke's diary

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Friday April 13

Ok hey diary! It's FRIDAY!!!! YEAAA! 

But I still have school today soooooo yeah. And Redd is on a vacation to a country where she grew up. JAPAN!  I absolutely love Japan. Very cool there. Very delicious food. And very nice hotels. And a bunch of other things I want to say about Japan but I'm too lazy to write them all down.  Right now, I'm sitting in the middle of the classroom. Then I start hearing these very very common classroom noises. Like people coughing. Or sneezing. Or blowing noses. Or people talking to one another. And stuff like that. Michael is sitting behind me, Calum is sitting in front of me, and Ashton..... Ashton is stuck on the ceiling. Literally! Someone taped him there. I feel bad for him. Plus, his arms and hands are stuck on the ceiling too. So when he has like, a cold, his snot just falls from his nose and lands on someone's desk or some other stuff. And that's why I wear a baseball cap to school now. EWWWWW!!!! I NEED TO STOP TALKING ABOUT THIS SNOTTY STUFF!!! AND WHY DID I JUST SAY THAT???!!!!  Oh well anyway, time passed by and it's now dismissal. I walked home by myself and used my phone.  I was skyping with Redd, when suddenly, I received a text from Mikey.  Mikey's sixth text of the day.  

This is what the text said: Luke uh hi! I'm going to a fancy restaurant tonight and Michelle is going with me and..... I wanna look good! So uh what fits me better? Shirt and pants? or tuxedo? What about shoes? Should I wear converse or the ones I always wear?  What about my hair color??? Please choose for me! Black, white, green, pink, red, yellow, blue, brown, violet, pink, black, orange... Tell me if I said one color twice! Kay kay Bye bye Luv luv! ;)

Luv luv? Seriously? Since when did he ever say "Luv luv"??? "Um Luke? Are you there?" Redd asked, startling me.  Oh I totally forgot about Redd. How stupid of me.  "Is that you're girlfriend? She looks cool!" Someone said. Who was that?  I turned around. No one was there. I looked both ways. Still no one was there. Then I looked up and down. Nothing. But then someone appeared in front of me. She had bobbed blond hair with V shaped bangs. And she was FLOATING.  "Um Redd there's something weird going on. Can I call you later?" I said, staring at the woman.  "Oh! sure. Bye sweetie!" Redd replied. I closed my phone and stared at the woman again. "How are you floating?" I ask.  "How am I floating??" The woman says, doing a somersault in the air. "I'm a ghost!"  She is a ghost??? Wait. She looks so much like Clara Smith, one of the most smartest kids in my school. But sadly, she died from cancer.  Oh, so she's Clara's ghost. I wonder why she's with me.  "Does anyone else see you?" I ask.  "No. You can only see me! Why am I not surprised." Clara rolls her eyes.  "Why are you with me?" I ask again.  "Well, I don't know the answer to that question. I'm just here to accompany you!" She replies.  This is great! A smart ghost is gonna help me throughout my entire life! I pinch myself to see if this is a dream. Nope, it's real! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2016 ⏰

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