luke's diary

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Saturday March 17

It's finally the end of the week! And I was still thinking what Mom and Dad would do to Michael.I mean, he's a great brother and all but he's just too much of a LOL addict.( LOL means League of Legends ).Anyways, I found Mom in my room when I woke up, and she was holding my laptop. "Mom what are you doing?" I asked, looking at my laptop."Oh I was just checking if you had any facebook secrets that you were hiding from me" She replied.Then she started logging into MY facebook account and read MY emails."MOM YOU CAN'T JUST HACK INTO MY ACCOUNT! IT'S PRIVATE!" I shouted."Sorry"Mom mumbled.I just looked at her and waited for her to close my laptop.But she didn't.She just looked back at me."MOM LOG OFF"I shrieked.Then Mom logged off of my account and left my room.Mom could be annoying sometimes.Michael went into my room and he brought his laptop with him. "Calum's in the play room. He filled the whole room with his frigging toys again.So I had to get out of the play room and move here so I could continue my game!"He said, frustrated.He sat down on my chair and placed his laptop on my table and he started playing.I could hear the sound of swords and killing in the game.I lay on my bed and covered my ears because the sounds were too loud.Suddenly, Mom and Dad came into my room and saw Michael playing LOL."Son, you're banned from playing computer games for 10 days!" Dad said, looking at his phone."Pssst! Andrew! talk to him with eye to eye contact!"Mom whispered to Dad. Dad quickly looked up from his phone and repeated his sentence to Michael. This time, with eye to eye contact. " MOM, DAD! ARE YOU SERIOUS???" Michael said, shivering.Mom nodded.Michael shook his head and continued his game."MICHAEL STOP PLAYING! I SAID STOP!"Mom shouted at the top of her lungs.Michael turned around to face Mom. "Listen, I'm PRACTICING for the tournament! So keep quiet"He said in a calm voice."I'M NOT GONNA LISTEN TO YOU YOUNG MAN, YOU ARE GONNA LISTEN TO ME! NOW I COMMAND YOU TO STOP USING THAT LAPTOP AND DO YOUR HOMEWORK! THIS INSTANT!!!"Mom shouted.Her voice started to sound rough. Michael closed his laptop and left my room."Andrew, let's go out to eat lunch in a  restaurant, just the two of us.I need a break from all this shouting.Luke, stay in the house and watch your brothers.You can invite Redd over."Mom said, softly.Then she and Dad went out of my room and got to the car.I quickly called Redd and she came over right away."Hey babe."She said, laying down beside me on my bed."Oh hey babe"I said.A few minutes later, we started cuddling with each other. I smelled her, and she smelled like roses again.I also felt her hair and it was fluffy,like cotton.Compared to mine, it's just normally straight and blonde. Ok diary, I need to stop writing.I promise I'll continue right after I cuddle with Redd.( hides diary under gym clothes and happily cuddles with Redd ).                 Hi diary! I'm done cuddling with Babe. Trust me, it was FUN! :D REALLY REALLY FUN! I felt so warm and cozy when she hugged me.It felt like heaven again!!!! This gives me memories, because I remember cuddling with Mom before when I was eight. And I felt so warm and cozy. Ok I'm sometimes starting to think that Redd is my second Mum.Anyway, Redd had to leave again, so I decided to play club penguin while she was gone.This game also gives me memories.I remembered playing it when I was in grade 2.Michael came back to my room and lay down on my bed."Dude, did you do your homework?" I asked him.He just stared at me and raised his eyebrow.Then he suddenly yelled at me. "WHAT THE HECK DUDE, ARE YOU A FREAKING MORON?? I OBVIOUSLY DIDN'T DO MY STUPID HOMEWORK! DAMN IT! YOU IDIOT" I suddenly felt really hurt.Those words were stuck in my head.I closed my laptop and decided to stay quiet for the rest of the day.I lay silently on my bed and pushed Michael off.He screamed at me again and I closed my eyes and made these grunting noises. "LUKE SHUT UP!"He screamed.I started punching my pillow."IDIOT"Michael said to me.I slapped him and he bit my arm.It felt so painful, that I had a wound and it bled.I wanted to run to the kitchen and get some bandages, but I felt weak."HEY LUKE! DO YOU WANT ME TO BITE YOU AGAIN?!"Michael asked.He sounded properly scary.I didn't reply to his question, instead, I just hit him.And he bit me on my other arm.Both of my arms were bleeding.I screamed and tackled him.My two arms were both too weak to punch his face. When he noticed it, he kept punching my face until my nose bled.I was left laying on the floor, bloody. Ashton came into my room and found me on the floor.He quickly got a first aid kit and brought out some tissue, betadine, and bandages.I woke up and opened my eyes and saw Ashton smiling at me and he was flashing his dimples.I noticed that both of my arms were covered with bandages and I had tissue in my nose.And I was in bed with a mug of hot chocolate and a bowl of fresh grapes from the supermarket."I told Mom about you" Ashton said to me."Ok" I mumbled, looking down at my hands.I still felt the pain of the bite, even though Ashton covered it with a bandage and some betadine."I'll leave you alone for now ok?" he asked.I nodded and he left my room.I felt that I had some strength left in me.So I decided to continue my film.

My family transcript


ME:So this is my room.It's air conditioned and all the curtains are closed.

( Hears Mom and Dad talking in their room and eavesdrops their conversation )

MOM:Did you see what Michael did to Luke??? he was aggressive!

DAD:Liz, calm down. I think that Luke's fine already.And besides, Ashton already took care of the problem.


DAD:Ok Ok fine!

MOM:Good, now we need to discuss about Michael's behavior!

DAD:Uh yeah.....


DAD:Yeah yeah, I'm listening

MOM:( Slaps forehead ) 

DAD:Come on, continue!

MOM:Well what I'm saying is........ I think Michael needs therapy with Dr.Sarah too

DAD:( Spits out coffee )

MOM:Come on Andrew!


ME:Uh Dad, I'm filming again...

DAD:Oh uh Liz, Luke's filming.... Again.

MOM:Oh Ok. Hi Luke!

( Mom waves at the camera )


MOM:Listen, Luke, could you leave us for a while?

ME:Sure sure

( Stops filming )

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