luke's diary

53 1 14

Thursday April 12

Me and Redd were in Starbucks. She ordered her usual vanilla frappe, and I ordered a chocolate doughnut. "Hi" She said. "Um uh I need to go out first. Just stay here" I said. I went out of starbucks and saw Sharlize. "Luke. You need to break up with that girl right now. She's just using you for your money. She told me so. You need to move on, tell her you can't be her boyfriend anymore. I know all of her deepest darkest secrets. And do you know what she does with boys? She asks for their money. lots and lots of money." She whispered. "Nice try Lizzy, but Redd hasn't done that to me ever". Shar shoved me,which caused me to fall down the stairs behind me. "Luke! Can't you just listen to me for once??!" She yells. Redd must have heard me fall, because she came outside right away. When she saw me on the floor, she ran down the stairs and knelt beside me. "Are you ok?" She asked. "Huh? oh. I'm ok. My head hit the floor when I fell." I replied. Actually, I didn't feel ok! I felt like I had an enormous lump on my head. Fortunately, I didn't. Well anyway, I managed to stand up properly and go home. When I was in my neighborhood, I saw a man carrying big and small boxes into the house next to ours. I also spotted a girl with long light brown hair wearing a striped sweater. She wore earphones and held an mp3 player in her left hand. She looks.... Beautiful. *Shakes head* Maybe I should welcome her to our neighborhood. She seems cool. So I walked outside my house and came closer to her until the rubber end of my shoe touched the rubber end of her shoe. "Hi, I'm Luke Hemmings. What's your name?" I asked, rubbing the back of my neck with my hand. I felt nervous. "Oh, I'm Rachelle- Wait! Are you the REAL Luke Hemmings???" She asked. I nodded. Rachelle narrowed her eyes and moved her face closer to mine. "D-d-don't k-k-kiss me. I-I have a-a g-g-girlfriend!" I stuttered. "No! I won't kiss you! I was just looking at your lip piercing. Besides, your girlfriend will kill me if I did kiss you" She exclaimed. Then she stepped back, smiled at me, and ran to her parents. "Hi Lukey" someone said from behind me. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I scream as I turn around. Oh wait, it's just Redd. "Gosh I'm so sorry for overreacting... Did I break your eardrums??". She shakes her head. Nope, I didn't break her eardrums. Phew. Then she smiles and kisses me on the lips. I could notice Rachelle spying on me at the corner of my eye. Is she jealous? Then Redd stops kissing me and sees Rachelle by the window. "Who's she? I don't know her. Why's she looking at you?" Redd asked me worriedly. "Babe, don't worry. She's just a new neighbor and a huge fan of mine.... I think. Well anyway, don't worry. Let's go inside my house" I replied. We were now in the privacy room. The most quiet room of my house. Me and Redd were about to kiss, but unexpectedly, Samantha aka Babysammygt appeared behind me! She is a Growtopia addict. She plays it every. Single. Day.  "Hiii Guys!!! OMG. You 2 are a COUPLE???!!! Why didn't anyone tell me? AWWWWW SOOO SWEEET!!! Wait I need to picture this special once in a lifetime moment with my phone." Samantha said. So she got her phone and snapped 6 photos of us. Then she flew around the room with joy (Sammy wears diamond wings all the time, so she can fly).  "Ok Sammy. Out! out! out of the window now!" I yelled angrily, opening the window to let her out. Luckily, She flew out and I closed the window. Ok, today is just TOO MUCH for me! I will now stop writing and close my diary. Bye. No happy face, no winky face, no happy open mouthed winky face, NO NOTHING.

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