luke's diary

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Wednesday April 4

I still couldn't believe that Sharlize just kissed me again yesterday! She told me not to tell Redd, but I seriously had to. Because I can't keep secrets from my girlfriend. If I did, she'd be upset. Especially if it was about me and Sharlize... *Sees Redd walk down the street. Runs after her* "Redd! wait, I have to tell you something!" I shouted, running after her. Redd turned around and saw me. "What is it Luke?" She asked. Then I told her everything about what happened in the park. She just stared at me in an odd way. "Luke.... Just. Just avoid Sharlize. If she scares you, try ignoring her. And if she wants you to kiss her.... Then, you have a choice. You could either kiss her, or not. But if you don't want to, don't let her kiss you." She said, touching my cheek. Then she walked away without saying anything. I suddenly felt thirsty for some coffee, so I checked my wallet to see if I still had my starbucks card. Coffee I thought. I shook my head and went to starbucks. The girl at the counter asked for my order. She looked 18. And she wore neon pink nail polish and red lipstick. "Um, Sir? can I like, take your order now? 'cause you're making the line wait...Oh well whatevs, I just work here." The girl said, looking at her sharp nails. I cleared my throat nervously and said my order. After a minute, I got my drink from the counter, an iced caffe mocha. The first floor had no empty tables, so I went upstairs to the second floor. There was only one empty table beside the wall. So I sat there instead. "Hellooo" Somebody said. I looked up, and it was Angelica (I just call her Angie for short!).

"Hello Luke"

"Hi Angie"

"So what are you planning to do?"

"Umm... I'm not sure actually..."

"Oh ok"

*Angie's phone rings, but she ignores it*

"Aren't you gonna get that?"

"Oh! uh... Yeah. I will" 

I heard a little yelling from the phone. When Angie hung up, I just stared at her with wonder.  "Who was that?" I asked. "Oh, just... Just my boyfriend. He kept waiting for me to call him, but I guess I forgot to. It's his birthday today" She replied sadly. I rubbed her back and told her it didn't matter so much. It was just a call. And I got really confused why her boyfriend would yell at her for forgetting.  It was just weird. "Are you done with Calum? He's actually a nice guy" I asked. "Well, yes I am. And I know he's a nice guy and all, but... He just gets pissed at me so much and he flirts with other girls. Especially the popular ones. So I decided to break up with him cuz I thought we weren't meant for each other. My new boyfriend, Chase, doesn't get angry at me so much. He's more of the shy and kind type. But he has this issue of getting angry at little things. I still love him though. He's a sweet guy, he really is" Angie said. I looked around and spotted a girl covering her face with her black hair. It was Redd, I just knew it was her. I walked up to the table she sat on and said "Hi". "Oh, uh, hi" She said quietly. "Why are you hiding your face? you're safe here" I asked. "No, I'm not safe. Julianna is here and she said if she saw me again, she'll hit me with a stick" Redd replied, covering her face with her hair.

"Why would she do that?"

"I accidentally said a joke that offended her"


"Aren't you gonna get mad at me?"

"No of course not"

"Ok, but please try hiding me! my hair is not enough"

"Sure Babe, anything for you"


So I spent the rest of my time, trying to hide Redd from Julianna. When I went home, I left my diary laying on my bed and took a shower.

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