luke's diary

48 4 6

Saturday March 30

I came over to Redd's house this morning, but she immediately slammed the door when she saw me. "Redd, please let me in" I said. "I thought you told me that you had an early appointment with your therapist. Why don't you just go there instead and just leave me alone!" She replied, still not opening the door. "I don't anymore, Mom made me quit therapy" I mumbled shyly. "Then leave me alone! I don't need you in my life anymore. Sharlize could have you" She shouted. "WHAT??!! No no please! Please don't give me away to an insane girl!!!! She has PROBLEMS!!! Just please let me in and we could talk about this! Pleeeeease!" I cried. So Redd let me in and we sat on her bed. "Ok Luke, this was definitely my fault. I went to a party last night and Michael was there. He forced me to take hallucinogens and beer. So I took both of them and I went crazy and drunk. Then I went to your house and stayed there for the whole morning. I-I'm sorry... I nearly killed you. That was really stupid of me." She said. I felt shocked. Because Michael gave Redd an illegal drug. Which were hallucinogens. Then I got worried and hugged Redd and said "It isn't your fault. And you're not stupid. It's Michael's fault. He was being stupid. Really stupid". "Thanks Luke, but you must promise me that you won't tell this to anybody" She said, holding my hand. I nodded and kissed her. This time, she didn't push me away or anything like that, she hugged me closer and I caressed her bright pink cheeks. I noticed that she smiled at me in this really cute way. "Luke, what would you do if I left the country for 10 days?" She asked. "Well, I could always call you or text you, or I could even send you mail" I replied, touching her hair. It was nice. Then we both kissed again and I heard a loud knock on the front door. So I opened it and found SHARLIZE!!! :O "Luke, I LOVE YOU! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE MEEE!!!" She squealed so loud, that Redd had to come downstairs and see what was going on. Sharlize started chasing me and I ran away from her as fast as my Aussie legs could take me. Then Redd chased Sharlize and luckily, she caught her. "Sharlize! stop it! You're scaring him" She shouted. "B-B-BUT, I LOVE HIM!!!!" Sharlize screamed and kicked Redd. So I tried pulling SharShar away from Redd and throwing her in the trash bin. But when I tried throwing her into the bin, She wouldn't let go of my neck. "I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!" She screamed. " Idiot, let go of my freaking neck!" I yelled and pushed her head into the trash. "AAAH!!! STOP IT!" She screamed again. "Ok, if you don't want to be in the trash, then you must stop trying to scare Lukey!" Redd said, pulling Sharlize's head out. Sharlize nodded and ran back to her house. Then I took Redd back into her room and we both stared at each other dreamily.



"Do you think Sharlize is crazy?"

"Yes, I do, really much"

"Does she scare you?"

"Most of the time. Well, there are gonna be so many girls who are gonna make me their senpai. And they would always text to me that they're gonna be my future bride. But I don't want them to replace you, because I don't want to loose you."

"I don't want to loose you either"

"Um does Michael scare you?"

"Yes, He enjoys stalking me! I don't know how to live like this!"

"Sharlize stalks me too..."

*My stomach starts to grumble*

"Bae are you hungry? 'cause I could get you some food"

"Oh, yes I am. Please get me some. I promise I'll just stay here."


*Redd goes downstairs to the kitchen*

So now I'm just laying on Redd's bed, doing absolutely nothing. I was too lazy to realize that there was actually a TV in front of me. All I did was look up the ceiling and think of random stuff. My stomach started to grumble again. "I'm so HUNGRY!" I thought. Then after like, 10 minutes, Redd came back with a bowl of ramen. I love ramen. It's one of my favorite foods. After I ate, I said thank you and went back to my house. I turned on the AC in my room and read "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger. My brothers were already done reading this. And they had to tell me the whole story. Well, not the whole story, they just summarized it. Then at the end, they asked me if I understood it, and I said yes. But I was lying. I didn't understand it, because they spoke too quickly and I lied because I didn't want them to tell me the same thing again. So now I'm reading the book and I understood it better because I got to read it more slowly. My friend Hillary texted me a message and it said I was supposed to meet her at the train station this afternoon, but she didn't tell me which train station, so I decided not to meet her. Hillary was a good friend of mine. Hillary Madison. She had blonde hair and green eyes. And she had 3 friends, but they were all ugly. Hillary was the only pretty one in her group. I remembered Redd meeting Hillary and they became good friends right away. Suddenly, my phone rang and Hillary was at the end of the line. "Hey! I've been waiting for you for HOURS!" She said. "I didn't show up because you didn't tell me which train station I was supposed to go to" I replied. "Oh forget about the damn train station! I'll go to your house and I'm gonna give you something. Just wait and hang up the phone now, ok?" Hillary said and I hung up the phone. I wonder what she'll be giving me. Hopefully something awesome! After 20 minutes of reading my book, Hillary came into my room and she was carrying my tuxedo that I left in her car. It looked clean, so I took it from her. "You know my Mom had to clean it because of all these greasy smears coming from the vacuum at the back seat." She mumbled, then left. The AC was still on and it was cold in my room. But I liked the cold. It felt refreshing and relaxing. Then I turned the TV on and I saw a bunch of people eating human eyeballs. I suddenly barfed a little on my bed, so I had to close the TV and clean my barf up. This reminded me of the time when Redd did these super violent stuff to a jewel thief. She hit the Thief's chest with a mallet, she stabbed both of his eyes with kitchen knives, she cut his penis with scissors, and she kept on shooting his face with a gun. I got used to seeing Redd do this anyway. When I was done cleaning my barf, I looked out the window and found Sharlize running around in circles in my garden. And she was wearing this outfit that only yanderes wore. "I LOVE YOU LUKE!!!!! I WON'T LET ANYBODY STOP ME FROM LOVING YOU!!! BE MY FUTURE HUSBAND!!! COME OUT OF YOUR HOUSE AND WE COULD LIVE TOGETHER! COME OUT COME OUT WHERE EVER YOU ARE!!!" I heard her scream. I was too afraid to go out of my house, since Sharlize was there. She acted CRAZY! :-( I need to stop writing now! Bye diary, see ya tomorrow! ;-)

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