Chapter 8. Nervous

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Tiffany's Pov

One month later...........

Me and Karter had been seeing each other for almost three months but we still aren't official yet. I ask him about it sometimes but he just says that we don't need a title and that we are enjoying each other. I think he's kinda holding off on making us official because we haven't done the do yet. It's not because I don't want to I just don't know how. You see I'm still a member of the virgin club and yes he already knows. I know he wants to, shoot I want to but in all honesty, I'm a little scared. What if he doesn't like it, what if he stops calling, what if he was just using me all along? I know that he is getting tired of hearing me say no but there is just still so much that I don't know about him. Well I guess I'll just have to sit back and see what happens.

"Hey Karter." I said into my phone.

"Go brush ya teeth and come open the door, I bought food." He said.

I finally decided to let him know where I lived. That night we went bowling, I had him pick me up at my parents house.

"Shut up Imma come kiss you first." I laughed.

"Please don't do that. Ion want nor do I need h1n1 growing on my lips and face." He said with a laugh.

"Freak you Karter." I chuckled out.

"You ready now?" He asked joking but I could hear the seriousness in his voice.

"Ugh get off my phone I'll be down in a minute." I said ending the call.

He was getting on my nerves with that but at the same time I could understand he a man with needs and I wasn't fulfilling them. After I brushed my teeth and washed my face, I went down stairs dressed in my pajama shorts that stopped right under my booty cheeks and my tank top. I opened the door letting Karter in and then closed it behind him.

"I'll be back." I said walking towards the the stairs.

"Where you going?" He asked.

"To put some clothes on." I said with more attitude than I intended to.

"You got a attitude now?" Karter asked.

"Why?" Should I?" I asked.

He kissed his teeth. "Man you know I was just playing with you." He said.

"Mhmm." I said nodding my head.

"C'mere Tiff." He said with a sigh.

I walked back over and stood in front of him with my head down. He placed his index finger underneath my chin to tilt my head back up.

"What I tell you you about that?" He asked. "Keep yo head up always."

I nodded my head.

"I really was joking baby girl." He said. "I know how much your virtue means to you."

"I know." I said. "I'm sorry Karter I just--"

"Don't ever apologize for sticking to your morals ma." He said cutting me off.

I smiled weakly and giggled when he stared kissing me all over my face.

"Karter stoooooppp!" I whined/giggled.

"You got a cute ass laugh." He said of course causing me to blush. "Ol blushing ass."

I giggled again and playfully rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I said.

"Will have dinner with me tonight?" He asked.

"Of course." I answered quickly.

"Ol hungry ass." He said.

I stuck my tongue out at him in response causing a smirk to play around his lips.

"Be ready at 8." He said. "Let me come here and you ain't ready, I'm coming in to get you whether you dressed or not."

"Shut up Imma be ready." I said.

"Good cause there are some things I think that we need to discuss abut us and what we got going on." He said.

"Um o-k." I said curiously. "Is it bad?"

"We gone talk later Kay? And I will tell you everything." He said.

I sighed and nodded my head. Now I was a little nervous about having dinner with him. I mean what was so important that he couldn't just tell me know. It's prolly really bad and he was just tryna soften me up with food. But I don't think anything that he tells me will make me love him any less. Yeah I love him so what. I was just getting ready to ask him what it was again when his phone rang.

"Yo." He said into the phone and his eyebrows furrowed. "You can't be serious right now. How the fuck--, you know what I'm on my way."

He ended the call with a sigh and then he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Everything ok?" I asked.

He stared at me for a second before nodding his head and answering.

"Yeah ma I'm good." He answered. "Look I gotta head out, but Imma be back to pick yo fine ass up."

"Kay." I said with a giggle.

"C'mere." Karter said pulling me to him and snaking his arms around my waist. I in turn wrapped my arms around his neck and he leaned down to peck my lips.

"What was that?" I asked.

"A kiss?" He asked rather than stated.

"Humph you call that a kiss?" I asked. "And I thought that I was the virgin."

"What." He chuckled out with amusement playing around in his eyes.

I rolled my eyes playful a placed my hands on either side of his face. I then pulled his face down to mines and ran my tongue over his bottom lip asking for entrance and he greatly obliged. Our tongues battled for dominance causing us both to moan into each other's mouths. We finally pulled away from each other when I felt little Karter poking me. I looked down at it and then back up at him, I covered my mouth with my hand to keep from laughing. He had a smirk on his face when he saw me blushing.

"Damn, um Imma get going and I'll see you later." He said.

"Okay." I answered.

With that said he kissed my lips again and walked out of the door. I grabbed the food that he bought and went to warm it back up. Then I went back upstairs to rest up for my night with Karter.


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