Chapter 11. The Meeting pt. 1

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Karter's Pov.....

I woke up with hair in my face. Slowly opening my eyes I smiled and wrapped my arm tighter around Tiffany's waist causing her to move just a little bit against my dick and that lil nigga started tripping. I kissed her shoulder and went to go and used the bathroom. After washing my hands, I walked back into the bedroom and noticed how beautiful and peaceful my girl looked. She was asleep on her back with the sheets pulled up over her naked breast. I was just about to go and get some breakfast when thoughts of last night flooded my mind and my dick started
twitching again. I slowly walked over to the bed staring down at her.


I slowly peeled the covers back off of her naked body causing her to stir. I got on my knees in front of her and started to plant kisses on her legs making my way up to her thighs finally getting to her treasure. I parted her lips with my tongue and gently latched onto her clit and began to suck on it. Tiffany woke up with a gasp.

"Good m-morning." She panted causing me to chuckle against her hairless sex. I then inserted two fingers inside of her and flicked my tongue back and forth against her clit as I pumped my fingers in and out of her.

"Oh my God babe!" She panted.

I felt her legs begin to shake and her body begin to tremble. I even felt her pussy pulsating in my tongue after I made her cum.

"Mmm." I groaned.

Positioning myself between her legs, I grabbed a condom out of the night stand and out it on. I rubbed myself against her and groaned in the process while she in turn let out a moan. I swear a nigga almost cried when he slid into her.

"Shit." I grumbled.

She tensed up a little up a little because she was sore from last night.

"You straight mama?" I asked while slowly pumping in and out of her.

"Yeah I'm just a lil s-sore down there." She answered/moaned.

"Mmhmm yo ass ain't too sore." I said with a smirk on my face.

Of course her ass started blushing. I sear that shit was so fucking sexy to me. How the hell you blushing in the middle of smashing though, cute as fuck.

"Damn Tiff." I hissed out as I placed my head in the crook of her neck. I heard her giggle and and I got more turned on. This damn girl got my labido up for real. I started pumping into her faster.

"Oh fu--dge Karter!" She yelled. "Imma cum."

"Cum then." I said. "Cum ova this dick it's yours."

"Ahh!" She yelled as she creamed in my package.

"Fuck Tiffany shit." I said as I released just seconds after her.

I pulled out of her and went to throw the condom in the trash.

"Wow." Tiffany said still catching her breath.

"I know right?" I said. "Best way to wake up."

I climbed back in the bed tangling myself in Tiffany's arm.

"What you got planned for today ma?" I asked.

"Nothing really." She said. "It's Sunday so I prolly go to church then after that nothing. What about you?"

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