It's Time

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First I wanna say thank yall for rockin with me all the love  and the positive feedback that I'm getting for this story really means more than yall will know...and also thanks for the birthday wishes I really do ❤ yall......oh and there has been another skip

Tiffany's POV......

To say that I wasn't shocked would be an understatement. I was pregnant for the first time on my life and with twins no less. I was happy though, because not only was I pregnant but it was with the a man who I was hell over heels on love with. Don't get me started on Karter. This man was absolutely amazing, and I was giving him hell I know he couldn't  wait til I have these babies. And to be honest neither could I. My feet and ankles were swollen my back was constantly in pain and my stomach was literally heavy, I mean it felt like that shit was gonna fall everytime I would stand up.

"Hey ma." Karter said walking into the bedroom where I laying on the bed watching Basketball Wives LA that damn Tammy Rowen I live for.

"Hi babe." I said.

"How you feeling." He asked.

"The same, I can't wait to have them." I said. "They getting on my nerves."

"Hey don't be talking shit about my babies." He said as he placed a kiss on my forehead and then kissed my belly.

I swear he was so completely in love with them and I absolutely loved it. He didn't think that I knew but when he thought that I was asleep I would hear him talking to them. He would promise to always love and protect them and I knew that he would do just that with his very last breath if he had to.

"I love you Karter." I said causing him to look up at me. I didn't even realize that I was crying until he reached up to wipe a stray tear that fell down my cheek.

"I love you too." He said. "Baby why you crying?"

"Cause I know I haven't been the best person to be around lately." I sniffed. "I'm always moody and crying, always hungry, I snap at you one second and then try to be all up under you the next, I'm surprised u haven't put my butt out already."

"Stop crying mama, I know it's only them damn pregnancy hormones." He said. "And even tho you be riding a nigga hard, and not like I want you to, it's cool I know you carrying my kids but it's almost over, any day now remember?"

I nodded my head yes.

"Besides you aint no punk yo." He said with a chuckle. "Now gimme them ass lips girl."

I chuckled wiping the tears from my face and leaned in to kiss him. The kiss started out sweet but of course Karter had to make it sexual as early ran his tongue across my bottom lip. I opened my mouth giving him what he was asking for and our tongues fought with each other for dominance.

"Damn." Karter said as he pulled back biting his bottom lip, and the way he just kissed me on top of looking at me the hell was had my panties soaked.

I looked at him seductively and he leaned in for another kiss.

"I want him." I whispered in his ear and I felt him grow because he was laying in between my legs.

At that moment he pulled my over sized shirt over my head leaving me in my black bra and panties. My very noticeable belly protruding he stared in awe.

"You are so beautiful ma." He said as he pulled his black polo over his head. His abs were on display and he was looking sexy as hell. I rubbed him through his jeans and he grew even more hard if that were even possible.
He grabbed both of my hands to pull me up and he undid my bra tossing it to the side of the room, then he tapped my hip signaling me to lift up so that he could pull my panties off. He climbed up on the bed so that our sexes were touching, holding himself at my entrance he rubbed his manhood back and forth against my area.

"Put it in." I breathed out.

He obliged causing me to moan out.

"Damn ma." He gritted as he entered me, slowly moving his hips back and forth.

"Mmm Karter." I moaned, "right there."

"You feel him baby?" Karter asked leaning down to kiss my neck.

All I could do is nod my head, he was doing me right.

"Oooh shit." He said as he sped up his strokes. "Cum  with me ma."

No sooner that he said it, that I got that familiar feeling in my core. He reached in front of himself and used his thumb to rub my clit.

"O oh my God I'm cumming babe." I panted out.

"Go ahead I'm right behind you baby." He said. And just like that I came undone.

"Fuck Tiffany, shit." He said as he released himself inside of me. "Damn I love yo ass."

"I love you too." I said.

He leaned down placing two sweet kisses on to my stomach.

"I love yall too, and I can't wait to meet yall." He said as he rubbed circles on my belly.

"Oh shit." He said and his eyes grew wide as he felt them kick for the first time. I on the other hand had been feeling they lil butts kick for the longest.

"They love you too." I chuckled out. "And so do I."

Ever since we lost mama Nyla we tell we would say we loved each other all the time because she was proof that we could be gone within a blink of an eye.

"Love you too ma." He said. "Go get cleaned up so I can feed my babies."

"Kay." I said. "Literally having to roll to the edge of the bed to get up.

"Imma go use the downstairs bathroom cause you gone be tryna hump me." Karter said walking out of the room.

"Shut up." I chuckled out as I went into the bathroom to get in the shower.

I let the water heat up and stepped inside. I took care of my hygiene, stepped out of the shower, and grabbed my pink bath sheet wrapping it around my body. After drying my body, I looked in the closet for something to wear and decided on a black leggings, black tank top, a white hoodie, and all white air max.

"You ready baby." Karter said walking back into the room and he let out a chuckle. "You always be tryna dress like me."

He was dressed in a white polo shirt, black true religion jeans, and all white air max.

"Nigga stay outta my closet." I said with a laugh.

"Whatever yo." He laughed. "Let's go."

As I started walking I felt some slight pressure in my stomach.

"Ouch." I said rubbing circles on my stomach.

"You good?" Karter asked concerned.

"Yeah just a little contraction." I answered.

He just stared.

"I'm fine babe let's go I'm hungry." I said.

"If you get one more pain I swear I'm taking you to the hospital." He said.

"Yes sir." I said.

We continued to the front door when all of a sudden....


"Yo what the hell." Karter said. "Did you just piss on the floor Tiffany?"

"Um no fool, my water just broke." I said.

There you go babies, I know it's not the best chapter but I wanted to give you guys something. There is ONE more chapter left because I wanna get started on A Kingpin's Life.......

Let me know what yall think and do the forget to vote and comment.

I'm thinking about adding a Q&A to the next book...what yall think?

Excuse any errors!!! ❤❤❤

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