Chapter 6. Something New

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"You crazy ma." I chuckled into the phone receiver talking to Tiffany.

We had been talking on the phone everyday for the past month. I had debated on whether I was actually gonna call her or not because I know it sounds bad but she wasn't "my type". Tiffany is one of those women with a little more to love but in all the right places. So for once I actually stopped being superficial (a little) and gave her a call, and she is pretty chill, I enjoy talking to her.

"No for real tho Karter, this dude was really lo key stalking me me and stuff." She said. "Following me from the train, staring at me while I was waiting on the bus, and then to top it all off, he gets on the same bus just to ask me for my number. I turned him down and he then looked at me like he was about to snatch me off the bus like naw chick you gone gimme yo number, then he walked off the bus. I swear I need to get my car fixed."

"Damn I can't blame him though cause you really are a sight to see." I said. "You bad as fuck."

"Well thank you sir but I think that bad is a little stretch." she said.

"What you mean?" I asked.

"Don't get me wrong, I by no means think that I am a mud duck. I mean I think I pretty, but I just don't think that I qualify as one of the bad chicks." she answered making me scrunch up my face in confusion, because honestly I thought that she was beautiful.

"What lame ass nigga told you that lie?" I asked.

"Nobody." she said with a heavy sigh.

I knew it had to be because of some fuck boy that she was talking like that, her self esteem was low but I couldn't understand why. Imma fix that though. I knew some flavor flav looking bitches with all the confidence in the world but I digress.

"OK." I said letting the subject go for now. "You wanna hang out with me tonight?? I asked.

"Uh yeah, it took you long enough fool I thought that I was gonna have to text you a how to guide." she said with a laugh.

"Yeah arrd." I said. "Don't get fucked up Tiff."

"Boy bye." she said. "What time should I be ready?"

"Like seven ish." I answered. "You know how to bowl?"

"Niiiiiiggggga." she said. "Can I bowl? I put the B in bowl and can prolly bowl circles around you."

"Was that a challenge?" I asked.

"What did you not just get the hint?" she retorted causing me to side eye her through the phone like she could see me or something.

Damn she got a smart ass mouth, Imma fix that shit too.

"Arrd loser buys dinner." I said.

"Well I hope you packing something in that wallet of yours cause as you can clearly see that I aint one of them salad eating chicks bruh. I eat for sustainance yo I gotta live." she said making me laugh.

"I got you, but I aint gone be the one buying dinner though." I said.

"Yeah yeah whatever, get off my phone so I can get cute." she said.

"Man just be yourself." I said.

"But myself is cute." she said making me chucke.

"Alright then ma, text me yo address and I'll shoot you one when I'm on my way." I said.

"Kay." she said.

"Later." I said disconnecting the phone call.

We was on the phone for almost two hours and we been talking for a little over a month and I aint even pressed to hit. Now don't get me wrong, what grown ass man who aint a stranger to sex wouldn't wanna fuck a beautiful woman. I'm just saying that if I had asked and she turned me down, I wouldn't stop fucking with her. That was definitely different cause if a bitch wasn't gone let me smash then I was chucking up the deuces like Chris Breezy. I was really feeling this girl.


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