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Karter's POV.....

I watched Tiffany dance around the kitchen to Touchin' Lovin' by Trey Songz in just one of my T shirts and some socks. I swear pregnancy looks so good on my girl, I wanted to bend her over the kitchen table and fuck the shit outta her. Doc finally let her off of bed rest and she couldn't be happier and neither could I, cause as much as I love my babies they was both getting on my damn nerves. She was waking me up at 12am to "talk" then would have nothing to say, wanna eat at odd times and be feeding my baby shit like pickles and peanut butter. One day during her seventh month of pregnancy she wigged the hell out because all the ice was gone, I mean her ass was balling. I was at the trap and she call me all hysterical and shit and I'm thinking she going into labor so I rush out heading home and find her sitting on a chair in the kitchen with the empty bag of ice in  her hands crying. I'm all like "baby what's wrong?" Then her ass was like "all the ice gone." I swear I wanted to push her on the floor. She's in her ninth month and the baby should be here in two weeks. We have one more appointment today, and instead of getting dressed she was in here looking for food and making my dick hard.

"Tiff." I said causing her to jump.

"Shit Karter don't do that!" She yelled making me chuckle. "That's not funny, you upset the baby."

She started rubbing circles on her stomach and mumbling under her breath.

"I'm sorry babies." I said kissing her forehead and then kneeling down to kiss her stomach and I noticed that she ain't have on no panties. My dick immediately got hard and I groaned. I ran my finger across her clit causing her to jump a little and moan at the same time.

"No Karter we have an appointment in an hour." She said backing up and speed walking away from me.

"Just let me put the head in." I said walking behind her.

"No you horny toad, now leave me alone so I can shower." She said.

By this time we had made it back upstairs and she had gone into the bathroom and I was literally left with a hard on. I mean a nigga was so hard  a nigga could play soft ball with my dick shit was starting to hurt too. I rubbed it through my pants to try and ease it but that shit wasn't working. So I did the only thing that I could at this point. I stripped naked and walked into the bathroom and snatched the shower curtain open and hopped in.

"Karter what are you--"

"Shut up." I said as I bent her over.

"Babe we gone be late." She said.

"Some what." I said as I slid inside of her. "Fuck."

"Oh my God." She moaned out.

"Damn Tiff you wet as fuck, creaming all over my dick." I said.

"Oh oh oh baby I'm cumming." She screamed out and at that time her legs started to shake and I could feel her pussy contracting around my dick.

"I'm right behind you baby." I said through gritted teeth as I busted inside of her. "Damn bae, Fuck."

I pulled her up and kissed her shoulder. We washed each other's bodies and then proceeded to get dressed after our hygiene was done.

"Come on baby, you ready? I asked.

"Yeah, let me pee." She said.

"Again?" I asked with a chuckle. "That's the third time since we been outta shower."

"I know, this kid stay tap dancing on my bladder yo." She said as she walked into the bathroom.

We been together for almost two years and she picked up on some of my traits and they way I talk, I think it's cute she was tryna be like ya boy.

"Ok I'm ready." She said.

She was dressed in a white maxi dress accenting her baby bump and a denim jacket with gold goddess sandles. Her hair was braided but was pulled into a high bun. She didn't have on any make up just honey lip gloss and she wore gold hoop earrings and accessories to match. I thought she looked beautiful. I myself was dressed in blue true religion jeans and a crisp white polo, with all white Nike Air max shoes.

"You always tryna dress like me." Tiffany said.

"Well yeah I gotta make you look like something cause you ugly yo." I said causing her to stale face me.

"I can't stand yo black butt." She said.

"Love you too baby." I said. "Let's go."

"Grab my purse babe." She said.

I handed the purse to her and we were on our way out the door to check on our little one.


30 minutes later ......

"Tiffany." The nurse called out.

We got up and headed to the nurse's station to get her vitals checked.

"You look like you ready to pop." The nurse said.

"Girl I'm so ready to have this baby, these two weeks need to hurry up." Tiffany chuckled out.

"I bet you are, you ready Mr. Jones?"
The nurse asked.

"Yeah I can't wait." I said with a smile on my face. A nigga was super excited.

"Alright well everything looks normal, and  your vitals are good." The nurse said. "Just sit tight and Dr. Montgomery will be right in. Congrats and good luck you two."

"Thanks you." Tiffany said.

"Thanks." I said.

It was silent in the room, until I broke it.

"You okay ma?" I asked.

"Yeah I just still can't believe that Imma be somebody mama." She said smiling.

"You gone be a mom too." I said.

"You think so?" She asked.

"Yeah I do." I answered.

She smiled in response. Just then there was a knock on the door and the doc came in.

"Well if it isn't my favorite couple." Doc said.

"Wassup doc?" I said.

Hi Dr. Montgomery." Tiffany said.

"Its almost that time huh?" He said.

"Hopefully sooner rather than later." Tiffany said.

"You're almost there." Doc said. "Now let's take a look at your baby."

Tiffany laid back on the bed and raised her dress up over her belly. I didn't realize it at first I know he was gone be delivering the baby, but I ain't want him looking at her yet. I guess Tiffany could sense this cause she told me to cut it out.

"Oh that's cold." Tiffany said. "I'll never get used to that."

Doc chuckled. As soon as the baby monitor made contact with her stomach we heard the heartbeat and then it sounded as if the baby's heartbeat picked up.

"Aye Doc, why the baby heartbeat speed up like that?" I asked.

"Oh my." He said taking off his glasses, cleaning them, and then putting them back on. "It seems as though I made a mistake."

"Fuck you mean a mistake what's wrong with my baby?" I asked getting ready to beat his ass.

"Nothing is wrong Mr. Dennis I can assure you, but you look at the monitor and tell me how many arms you see."

I looked at the monitor and my eyes got almost as big as sauce pans.

"What the hell?" I said.

"My sentiments exactly." He said looking at Tiffany. "You my dear will be giving birth to twins."



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