Chapter 12. The Meeting pt. 2

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"Karter." I heard my name being called.

"What Kiah?" I answered.

"I'm so--"

She  stopped talking mid sentence and looked at my girl.

Aww shit!

"Tiffany?" She said. "You the chick that's dating my brother?"

I looked back and forth between my little sister and my woman.

"Y'all know each other?" I asked.

Tiffany nodded her head and Kiah's eyes grew wide.

"Ahhh!" Kiah screamed. "Now you really my big sister. Karter  I'm really sorry I didn't mean what I said and I ain't know it was Tiffany."

She pulled Tiffany in for a hug, jumping up and down like she a damn 5 year old.

"Hey Ki." Tiffany chuckled. "And what you mean you ain't know it was me?"

Kiah laughed nervously.

"She called you a ratchet and a hoe." I said with a smirk.

"For real Ki." Tiffany said feigning hurt. "I thought we was better than that."

"We are you my sister, I'm sorry I aint know he was talking about you though." Kiah whined.

"See what I tell you about that smart ass mouth of yours." I said.

"Right now she done stuck  her foot in her mouth." Kris said.

She mugged both of us as we laughed.

"Y'all stop, leave her alone." Tiffany said and pulled her in for a hug and Kiah stuck her tongue out at us.

"Childish ass." I said earning a smack to the back of my head both Tiffany and my moms.

"What the fu--"

"Finish that sentence." Tiffany said causing my mother to laugh.

"You know Ms Tiffany I think you gone fit in just fine around here." Mom said.

Tiffany smiled nodding her head.

"Y'all go sit down so we can eat."

We made our way to the table and I grabbed Tiffany's hand and pulled her into me. Her back to my front.

"Imma get you back for that." I said into her ear.

She looked over her shoulder with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

"I. Ain't. Scared." She said.

"Yeah OK." I said as she pulled away and went to sit down. After we said grace we started piling our plates with food.

"Hey hey people." Darren said as he walked in. He went straight to my moms and started sucking her face off.

"Yo chill." I said with a chuckle.

"I can't help it you know yo mama fine." Darren said.

Her ass had the nerve to start blushing.

"Baby that's Karter new girlfriend." Moms said.

"How you doing?" Darren greeted her.

"I'm well thank you." Tiffany said.

"How y'all meet?" My mother asked once everybody was settled.

"He stalked me at the club. Tiffany said and I side eyed her.

"Really." I said.

"Well maybe stalk is a strong word but babe you we're bring a creep." She said making everybody laugh.

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