Chapter 14. Revenge is Sweet

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Karter's POV.....

"Hey baby you outside?" I asked as I answered the phone.

"Yeah I just pulled up." Tiffany answered.

"OK here I come." I said and I disconnected the phone call. I slipped on my Nike slides and went to go and meet my girl outside. I pulled her into a hug as soon as I got to her. She hugged me back like she missed a nigga.

"Let me find out you missed me." I said jokingly.

"Boy pleass ain't nobody miss you, I just don't give those fake booty church hugs." She said. "Plus you was giving off some body heat and I'm a lil cold."

Then her ass had the nerve to start walking up the pathway to the house. I started to trip her and run in the house and lock the door since she wanna play.

"Keep playing with me Tiffany." I said once I caught up to her. I wrapped her arms around her waist hugging her from behind.

She giggled when I placed a chaste kiss behind her ear. We walked together like that until we got in the house.

"You want something to drink ma?" I asked walking into the kitchen.

"No I'm good." She answered. "I would have put my clutch down but you don't have no furniture, babe when you gone get some?"

"When you wanna go?" I asked.

"Aww babe you want me to go with you?" She asked.

"You might as well you gonn be over here all the time anyway." I said.

"How you figure?" She asked.

I smirked. "So you ain't?"

"Whatever." She said playfully.

"Thats what I thought." I said smacking her ass making it jiggle in the process.

"Baaabe." She whined. "That hurt."

"Stop all'lat whining." I chuckled out. "I ain't even hit you that hard.

She mugged me and rubbed her ass in the spot that I smacked her on. Bet if I smacked her ass when we fucking she wouldn't be complaining about it hurting.

"My booty cheek is stinging Karter Dennis." She said glaring at me.

"Aww you want me to kiss it?" I asked teasing her.

"Freak you. Ion want you to do nothing." She said waking up the stairs.

We she got to my bedroom she went straight to my drawer and pulled out a t shirt. Ion know what the hell for she ain't gonn keep it on.

"You got a attitude now?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"Nope." She said popping the p.

I kissed my teeth. "I was just playing with yo sensitive ass." I said walking over to my bed, picking up the remote, and turning on the tv,  crybaby ass went into the bathroom. I was flipping through the channels when she came out and her hair was wrapped up. How the hell she wrap up her hair? I think we was having our first fight and her ass was really mad too. She look sexy as fuck though with just my t shirt on. She put her clothes in a neat pile by the bed then walked out of the room.

"For real Tiffany!" I yelled out to her growing irritated.

She ignored me.

"This damn girl gone make me choke her ass already." I said to myself.

"Tiffany!" I called out again.

Still nothing. I was getting ready to go downstairs but she walked back in the bedroom with her eyes glued to her phone.

"You know you heard me calling you  lil girl." I said.

Her ass literally stopped in her tracks to look at me like nigga shut the fuck up. She got in the bed with her back to me still on her phone. I ain't feel like dealing with that shit.

"Yo if you gonn be acting like that, I can take you home cause you obviously don't wanna be here. I'll have yo car sent to you if you wanna go cuz you ain't driving home this late." I said.

"I don't wanna go home." She said under her breath but loud enough for me to hear.

"Then you need to seriously lose that lil funky attitude you got cuz I was just playing with you." I said.

I was laying on my back with my arm over my eyes. I felt her turn around then she layed her head on my chest and hugged me around my waist.

"I'm sorry." She said and I think I heard her sniffle.

Lord help me she gonn drive me to a early grave.

I removed my arm from over my eyes and wrapped it around her waist.

"Don't be ignoring me ma." I said running my hand up and down her waist. "Cuz just like you Ion like that shit neither."

She nodded her head.

"Where that attitude come from all of a sudden." I asked.

"Ion know I think my period finna start in a few days." She answered.

"Well is it gonn start now?" I asked.

Please say no!!!

"No it don't feel like it." She answered.  I saw her rub butt in the same spot that I smacked her in earlier.

"Its still stinging?" I asked.

"Yeah." She chuckled out.

"Damn babe I'm sorry I ain't realize I hit you that hard." I said.

"Its fine it's dull now." She said.

I pulled her on top of me so that our crotches were touching. As soon as I did that my lil homie started growing. I pulled her face down to kiss me while my hands roamed her body. She was getting into it cause she started grinding her hips on me causing a groan to escape my lips.

"Karter baby." She said in between kisses.

"Hmmm." I said while kissing her neck.

She was still rotating her hips on my member and I was getting harder by the minute. She gonn fuck around and Imma split her ass in two.

"Revenge is so sweet." She moaned out. Keep in mind that she was still grinding on me.

"Hmmm." I groaned. "Damn ma Imma  tear yo ass up in a minute.

She let out a giggle. "I don't think so." She said placing kisses all over my face. "Cause we not doing it tonight."

"Say what?" I asked opening my eyes.

She stopped grinding on me and looked down at me with a smirk on her face.

"You member Sunday dinner." She said. "I told you I was gonn get you back."

She quickly leaned to kiss me but in turned my head and she kissed my cheek in stead. She giggled and climbed off of me then her ass gone get under the covers and go to sleep.

"Tiffany you really gonn do me like this?" I pleaded.

"Good night baby." She sang.

I was gonn push her outta my damn bed and make her sleep on the floor. Then I started chuckling cause she really played  ya boy. I shook my head and looked at her and did the only thing that I could don't this point. I smacked her ass again...hard and went to the bathroom grabbing the lotion on my way.


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