Chapter 9. Decisions

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Later that night.......

I was just putting the finishing touches on my make up when Karter called me.

"Heeeeelllllllo." I sang.

"Wassup big booty Judy?" He said and I giggled.

He was always talking about how big my booty is. I mean well I do have cakes though.

"Shut up you outside?" I asked.

"Naw I'm like 10 minutes away." He answered.

"Ok I'll be ready when you get here." I said.

"Better be." He said.

"Boy get off my phone so I can finish." I said.

"See you in a minute." He said.

"Kay." I said disconnecting the phone call.

To be honest I was still really nervous about going to dinner with Karter because I didn't know what he was going to say and why he just couldn't tell me earlier. Giving myself a once over in my floor mirror, I smiled in appreciation satisfied with my look. I dressed in a red form fitting dress that stopped right above my knees and hugged me the right way. You see I'm not a size six, I don't have hair that stops in the middle of my back, and I don't have a flat stomach. I have big thick thighs and wide hips. I'm a big girl who knows that she's a big girl and I know how to carry myself in a way that don't make me look sloppy. I also had on six inch black pumps. I put loose curls in my hair all over my head that fell to my shoulders.

"Well gone ahead then miss Tiff." I said out loud to myself.

Just then there was a knock at the door. I already know it was Karter so I unplugged my phone off the charger, grabbed my black clutch off of my bed and headed downstairs.

"Hey." I said opening the door.

"Hey yourself." Karter said and I giggled.

"What's funny?" He asked.

"We match." I said. "Well kinda."

"Yeah I can see that, all up in my closet and shit." He joked. "You look beautiful by the way."

He was dressed in in black tru religion jeans and a red button up.

"Thank you." I said blushing.

"Ol blushing ass." He chuckled.

"Shut up." I said. "Where we going to eat cause I'm hungry."

"Ol greedy ass." He said.

"Don't play with it." I said pushing my lips out into a pout as I walked towards the car.

"I haven't yet." He said and I side eyed him and raised an eyebrow at his sexual innuendo.

"Okay okay Imma be good." He said holding his hands up in surrender.

I shook my head as he opened my car door then I got in reaching over to unlock his door in the process.

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