Chapter 19. Close Encounters of the Bitch Kind

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One Month Later...

Tiffany's POV

I was walking to my criminal justice 31 class when I heard foot steps behind me. At least I thought I did because when I turned around I didn't see anybody. My class started at 8:00am and I liked to get there at least an hour early just to give me time to go over any readings that I may have missed or any assignments that I needed to get caught up on. The campus was nearly empty at this time with the exception of a few students walking around here and there. I was having a pretty good morning so far, I was looking cute with my hair in a high bun and some Chinese bangs. I had on on some blue high waisted jeans and a pink off the shoulder sweater and u was rocking some pink Airmax sneakers. My makeup was light but cute as well. I blended pink and blue eye shadow. I had on mascara and eyeliner, no lipstick though just some honey lip gloss. Karter didn't like it at all so I told him that I would compromise. If I wore lipstick then I would do nothing to my eyes, if I wore eye makeup then I would no lipstick. Karter and I had a GREAT night and I was completely in love with that beautiful man and I knew that he felt the same way about me. Not to mention that drama with that Ebony chick was over and done with or so I thought until....

"You thought you was real cute the other night huh bitch?" A voice said from behind me.

I sighed already knowing who it was.

"Ebony its too early in the morning for yo foolishness." I said as I turned to face her and if looks could kill I would have exploded right there. "I gotta get to class, wait how the hell do you even know where I go to anyway?"

"I have my sources." She answered with a smirk on her face.

"Whatever I don't have time for this." I said not wanting to entertain her her any longer, as I turned to walk away from her, she grabbed my arm turning me back around.

"Don't walk away from me bitch." She said with venom on her lips.

"I'm not about to stand here and go through this with you." I said. "You tried to make me look bad in front of all those people and it backfired."

"I should have slapped all that fat of you then." She said.

"Trust me honey you don't want them kinda problems." I said.

"Well you created a problem bitch when you started fucking my man." She said.

"Yo who?" I asked. "Y'all ain't seen, talked, or number uglies in sux months and that's yo man?"

"You got damn right, the minute he decided to introduce his dick to my pussy he became mines. Ion give a fuck if we ain't talked for six years. Once mines, always mines, and I will do anything to get him back." She answered.

At this point two chicks walked up and stood on either side of her.

"Really Ebony?" I asked more annoyed than scared, although I was scared I wasn't about to let her know it. "Y'all gone jump me?"

"Consider this a earning." She said and plastered a fake smile on her face. "But just to be fair, Imma let you get the first punch."

"Girl I'm not about to fight you over a mute point." I said.

"Oh so you don't care enough about Karter to fight for him?" She taunted.

"No that's not what I said." I answered. "I said that I'm not about to fight you over a mute point, because he don't want you so you need to take heed to that because I will fight for what's MINES."

During all of this talking, my hand had casually slipped into my purse that was hanging off of my shoulder and I gripped the butt of my pink diamond encrusted 22. I didn't like guns but Karter told me that they were necessary, especially because of the business the he's in because people want to hurt him.

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