Chapter 17. And So The Drama Begins

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Karter's p.o.v

"Damn a nigga full a shit." I said rubbing my stomach.

We currently finishing up another wonderful Sunday dinner that ma dukes prepared. That woman can really cook.

"Nigga you had two plates full of food with yo greedy ass." My brother Kris said.

I flipped him the bird and he let out a chuckle .

"Keep cussin like I'm not sitting here in front of yall." My mother said. "Y'all asses ain't too old to get whooped."

"My bad ma." Kris said.

"Sorry mommy." I said.

"Oh God." Tiffany said rolling her eyes and shaking her head. "You a big ol baby."

I mugged her.

"Yo ass wasn't saying that shit last night or this morning." I mumbled.

I earned an elbow to the ribs.

"Ow mama Tiffany hit me." I said.

"Really Karter?" Tiffany said giving me a look.

"So." My mom said. "What you do?"

I mugged her ass too. They really be trtna how me when they be around each other. That's alright I'll fix tiffany ass though. My mama on the other hand us crazy as fuck, Imma just tell Darren.

"What y'all got going on today?" My mom asked.

"Imma go meet up wit a couple of my bit-- girls." Kris said earning a slap to the back of his head from my mother causing Tiffany to snicker. "Dang mama I ain't even say it."

"You was getting ready to." She said.

"Me and Tiffany hanging out til I head to work." I said. "She claim I was cheating when we went bowling a while ago."

"Miss Nyla he did cheat." Tiffany said.

"No I didn't." I said.

"Yes you did." She said.

"No I didn't." I argued.

"Yes. You. Did." She argued back.

"What are y'all like five?" Kiah butted in.

"Ki what I tell--"

"I'm sorry but yall was getting aggy." She said cutting me off.

I was getting ready to say something about her smart ass mouth when I got a text.

"Miss Nyla can I trouble you for the bathroom?" Tiffany asked.

"Yeah baby." My mother said. "Ki show Tiffany where the bathroom is."

"Come on sister." Kiah said.

Good thing I didn't open up my text until Tiffany got up from the table cause when I did I choked on  the juice out that I was drinking. This chick that I used to smash texted me a pic of her butt ass naked talking about she miss me.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled.

Well at least I thought I mumbled.

"What's up bro? I gotta get the crew together?" Kris asked.

"Naw John Gotti." I chuckled out. "You remember that chick Ebony?"

"Yeah that clingy bitch that used to show up at the trap crying all hysterical and shit after y'all fucked a few times talking about how you wouldn't commit to her." He answered.

"Well she texted me a a pic of her naked saying she miss me and shit." I said.

At that moment I got a smack in the back of my head.

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