Chapter 22 Me Cater To You

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Tiffany's POV.....

One week later...

"I don't know if I can do this again man." Karter said.

We were currently at his house dressing for the Mama Nyla's funeral.

"I know its gonna be hard baby, mama Nyla meant a lot to all of us, but you're strong and I know we'll get through this tough time with your help." I said to Karter as I walked over to him to help him tie his tie.

"I don't know how I woulda got through this without you here Tiff." He said as he leaned his head down kissing my lips sweetly.

"I got you babe." I said. "Let me go check on Ki."

I walked two bedrooms down to Kiya's new room. She had been staying with Karter since Mama Nyla was murdered.

"Ki?" I said through the door as I knocked on the door.

"Come in." She said in a small voice. She was sitting in front of the vanity slowly brushing her hair with a dazed look in eyes.

"Hey mamas you need to finish getting ready, the limo service will be here in a minute to pick us up." I said.

"I don't wanna get ready cause that gets me that much closer to burying my mother." She said as tears ran down her cheeks.

"I'm not gonna say that I know how you feel cause I don't but --"

"Then don't cause you don't know, you still got yo mom and mines was taken away from me so don't tell me its gone get better or nothing cause my mama ain't coming back." She told me with a mug on her face. "I mean why you even in here anyway? You only knew her for like a year you don't even have the right to be telling me nothing right now."

I was taken back by what she said. I've known Ki for almost three years and in that time I have never known her to be nasty to anyone. I knew that she was lashing out at me because she was grieving over her mother's death so I didn't take it personal. Well I did a little bit.

"Ok well I'm gonna go check on your brothers and I'll send Karter to come get you when the limo service gets here." I said as I walked down to the guess room that Kris was staying in.

"Knock knock." I said as I knocked on his door.

"Come in." Kris said. "Hey sis. You look nice."

"Thanks, you too." He was dressed in a simple black suit. His eyes were red so I could tell that he had been crying or he was smoking weed. But the room didn't reek of it so I assumed he was crying. "The limo service will be here soon."

"Ok thanks." He said.

"Thanks for being here for us, especially for Karter he really needed you and you pretty much dropped everything to take care of him." Kris said making me tear up. I fanned my eyes so that I wouldn't ruin my make up. I had been crying a lot lately just outta nowhere, my hormones we all over the place.

"Man you really are a crybaby." Kris chuckled out."

I playfully hit his chest and he pulled me in for a hug kissing my forehead.

"Thank you big brother, I just wish Ki felt the same way." I said dabbing my eyes.

"Whatchu mean?" He asked.

"Well, I know that she hurt and grieving for mama Nyla but she just chewed my head off for trying to comfort her." I said.

"That damn girl." He said walking towards the door.

"No Kris don't say nothing I know she just hurt." I told him.

He said and nodded.

"If her ass don't apologize to you tho Imma get in her shit." He said.

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