Chapter 18 Well Damn

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"Hey Karter baby, I missed you." Ebony said.

Man fuck my life!!!

"Baby?" Tiffany asked. "You got something you wanna tell me?"

"Um nah, I'm straight." I quickly answered.

"Who's your big, I mean little friend?" Ebony asked.

Tiffany chuckled and started walking towards her, but I quickly grabbed her back.

"First off, I'm his friend AND his woman." Tiffany said. "So anything that yall HAD going on before I came along is over, finished, done." Tiffany said.

"Well what me and Karter had was some really hot butt ass naked sex. He can't be having that with you, I mean really you the size of two of me." Ebony countered. "Really KD she ain't even yo type tho. I mean she cute and all but she fat as hell."

"Yo you need to watch yo muthafuckin mouth be--"

Tiffany held up her hand to cut me off causing me to raise my eyebrows in shock because I had never known her to be the least bit confrontational and to be honest, that shit was turning me on cause my dick started twitching and shit.

"Let me and get one thing perfectly clear. Like I just said, you and Karter are done. Y'all ain't talking or fucking no more. And seeing as tho that's prolly all y'all was doing in the first place it's pretty pathetic to chase after a man who don't want you. Now gone back over there with ya lil messy friend and let me and my man get back to our date. You do know what a date is right? That's when two people who actually feel more than lust for each other go out in public to spend time together, not just doing the horizontal polka." Tiffany told Ebony putting her ass in her place.

If looks could kill me and my baby would have dropped dead right the fuck there. She couldn't do nothing but walk away with her tail between her legs.

"Whatever, you can have his ass he can't fuck all that good and he don't eat pussy anyway, the fuck type of shit is that?" Ebony said. "I can suck yo dick but you cant eat my pussy tho, lil ass boys scared to taste the goods grown men tongue kiss the pussy real good."

"Hell yeah they do!" A male bystander agreed and there were a couple of hand claps agreeing with Ebony making her feel good, for a minute then my baby cut her ass right back down.

"Well um I can assure you that Karter is all the way grown. That sound like a personal problem that you might have cause he eat healthy very often." Tiffany said causing a lot oh shits and damns to come out of the crowd that had quickly formed.

"Now if you will excuse us, we have a date to get back to." Tiffany said dismissing them. "Y'all enjoy the rest of y'all night."

With that said, she turned her back and walked away grabbing my hand in the process leading me back towards the concession stand so that we could order our food. But truth be told I ain't wanna eat no more, well not food anyway. What she did was sexy and it made my dick hard as fuck.

"Damn babe that was sexy as fuck." I said. "I wanna bend you over this fuckin table for real."

She busted out laughing like I was playing.

"Oh my God Karter I can't with you." She said chuckling.

"You not mad?" I asked curiously.

"Well I'm not gonna lie and say that I wasn't salty for a minute." She answered. "But then again what or who you did before we became official has nothing to do with cause its none of my business, even though I asked you and you said no."

"Babe I ain't me--"

She held up her hand cutting me off and I ain't wanna be in the dog house so I shut the fuck up.

"Its what goes on after the fact that will likely get you castrated." She said.

"Man I swear I fuckin love yo crazy ass." I said.

"Damn straight you do." She countered. "Lips."

I leaned my head down to press my lips against hers.

"Now let's hurry up and eat so I can tap that ass." She said causing me to side eye her.

"I had a really inappropriate comment to that but imma be politically correct for the first time in my life and not say nothing." I said.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too." I said.


Ebony's P.O.V

I was literally so fucking mad that I could gave spit fire if I was able to. I was pacing back and forth in the living room of my two bedroom apartment that I share with my sister.

"Who the fuck does miss piggy think she is, do she know who the fuck I am, ol fat ass bitch!" I said angrily. "I'm Ebony muthafuckin Turner and I'm a bitch who you don't want on ya bad side."

I was really seething at this point.

"And can you believe Karter bitch ass, he gone stand there and let that bitch talk to me like she on my level or some shit." I said looking at my sister Jennifer.

"Girl you know how them niggas is. They say all the right things, tell you what you wanna here, making all these promises and shit and when they finally get what they want outta you they toss you to the side like yesterday's pussy." Jennifer said. "Don't you hate that shit? I mean just be upfront from the get go and it won't be no expectations."

"Right!" I rallied on. But truth be told Karter was upfront about his intentions. He told me straight out that we was just hooking up and I said ok, cause eventually with this bomb ass kitty I got I was gone hook his ass but two months in he just cut me off and now I see why, miss fat ass is the reason.

"The question is now, what are we gonna do about it?" Jennifer asked.

See that's why I love my day one cause this bitch always down to ride even without knowing the whole situation or worrying about the consequences

"Oh you best believe I got something for they asses." I answered as the wheels started turning in my crazy head.

Hell I know I'm crazy.

"Imma make both of them regret the day that they ever made me look like a got damn fool."

Finallyyy!!! Sorry it took so long I've been super busy with work and I've started back in school also. But I hope y'all enjoy this chapter...comment and vote and let me know what y'all think!!! Did a little editing excuse my mistakes if there are any more!!

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