Chapter Four

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I must’ve fallen asleep because Soph smacks my arm to wake me. “Geez!” I say rubbing my arm. “We’ll be in LA in like 10 minutes, get up!” She says laughing. I sit in my seat properly and we start to talk about what we are going to do in Australia.

We get off the plane and head to the LAX terminal waiting space. We sit in the airport for an hour between flights. When we finally get on the plane to Australia Soph is tired and I’m wide-awake. Soph takes a nap and I get my laptop out, I begin to look up things to do in Australia. We can go swimming, tours, and zoos, The Sydney Opera House, conquer fears, and take in the beautiful beaches. The flight attendant gets me a cup of steaming coffee and I sit up for hours looking at things to do, after a while I start to pin things to my Pinterest out of complete boredom. About 9 hours into our 17-hour flight Soph wakes up and joins in my boredom.

Soph gets her laptop out to and we look up things to do in Sydney together. We’ve decide that we are going to The Sydney Opera House first, then I am going to conquer my fear of heights and Soph is going to keep me calm. After conquering my fear we are going to go on a scuba dive and swim, then explore the beautiful beaches. If we have time we will go on to a zoo and see some animals.

“We have about two hours left to our flight to Australia! So sit back and relax.” The captain states. I let out a sigh and put my laptop away. I take out my iPhone and look through my FaceBook. Soph and I talk about random things like we used to and before we know it the captain says “We are about to land in Sydney, Australia!”

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