Chapter Six

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I’m sitting on the couch still staring at my hand when Soph gets up, “What did you do when I was sleeping?” She asks. “Soph, don’t freak out when I tell you this.” I begin. “Tell me what?” She asks. “Seriously don’t freak out.” I say again. “I’m ready.” She says talking serious all the sudden. “Ok, while you were asleep a guy was standing outside our door, I opened the door and it was…” I pause. “It was WHO?!” She begins to shout. “You promised you wouldn’t freak. But it was Kellan, Kellan Lutz.” I say. I cover my ears and she looks like she is going to scream. Then all the sudden she blacks out and slams onto the bed.

I run over to the bed and lay her on the bed properly. I grab a cup of iced water and throw it on her, I’ve done this before. She springs up and starts hyperventilating. Tears start pouring from her eyes. “OMG!!!” She starts to squeal. “Calm down.” I say. All of the sudden she does a murder scream and starts to cry harder. I shove a towel in her mouth, “Shut up! You are loud as hell!” I say. She starts to breathe normally then passes out again. I just let her be. I sit on the couch and put on some music.

Ten minutes after her second pass out she wakes up and walks up to me and shoves a towel in my mouth, “Pay back!” She laughs, “You were lying!” she says. I spit the towel out of my mouth. “You can think what you want but I met Kellan!” I say. She just stands there and says, “We should prob get to The Opera House.” She says. I grab my purse and head to the door.

When I open the door Kellan is leaving his room. Oh shit. I abruptly turn around and slam my head against Soph’s. “Keep Calm because Kellan is right outside.” I say quietly. She looks she is going to squeal so I cover her mouth. I slowly walk out of the room and Soph follows.

“Hey, Amanda!” Kellan calls after me. “Yes?” I ask. Soph looks pale, but she always does. (We called her vampire in middle school) “Where are you headed?” He asks. “Sophia and I are going to The Sydney Opera House.” I say motioning to Soph as she sways back in forth. “Oh cool! Maybe we can hang out later! Nice to meet you Sophia!” He says extending his hand to her. Instead of her shaking his hand she starts to sway forward but before she can do a face plant Kellan catches her.

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