Chapter Thirteen

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“Ok, we will say it at the same time, ready, set…” I start. “Bahamas!” We both say at the same time. “Yessssss, we are going to the Bahamas!” She says smiling. “We are leaving Italy today.” I say. “Yeah, I have our bags packed. We are going straight to the Bahamas we aren’t going to LA first.” She says. “Ok. Can you go get me some wine from downstairs?” I ask. “Fine. I’ll be back in like 10.” She says. She has to go down 10 flights of stairs because the elevator is out. She doesn’t know that the reason I sent her down is to plan something for her in the Bahamas.

“Here’s your wine.” She says handing it to me. “Thanks.” I say. I take the bottle into my room and pack it in my bag. “Hey. Do you want to go get some cannolis?” Soph asks. “Sure.” I grab my purse and head to the restaurant. “Can I get a box of cannolis please?” I ask the man. “Sure.” He says handing me the box. “Thanks.” I say handing the money to him. I head back to the hotel and go up the 10 flights of stairs. I go to the door and its locked. “Soph!” I knock and knock. “Sorry, I forgot you were out.” She says. She looks nervous.

“You ready to head to the Bahamas?” I ask. “Of course.” She says. “Let’s take another video and send it to Kell and our parents.” I say. We take a video of us and send it. “Let’s head to the airport. We took a lot of pictures here to so we will make a scrapbook later. When we get to the airport we take a picture under the Italian flag. We are on the plane and are separated again. But this time the people beside us just sleep. While Soph is asleep I skype Kellan. “Hey, are you on your way to the Bahamas?” I ask him. “Yeah. Does Soph have any clue I’m coming?” He asks. “No, she has no clue.” I say laughing. “Well, I will see you soon. Be in the hotel so we can surprise her.” I say. “Ok, I’ll see you later.” I say and hang up. I decide to take a nap.


“Kell, Amanda is asleep. Did you get a hold of Josh?” I ask. “Yes, he is on a plane to the Bahamas right now. I just talked to him.” He says. “Amanda has no clue that she is going to meet him.” I say smiling. “I just wish I could’ve come to me you.” Kell says. “I know, but maybe you can come to our next trip.” I say. “Maybe. I’ll talk to you later babe.” Kell says and hangs up. I see Amanda awake and she smiles at me and puts up two fingers up signaling two more hours till we are in the Bahamas.

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