Chapter Forty-Eight

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I wake up and smell pancakes. I put on a robe and head into the kitchen to find Josh pouring two cups of coffee. "Morning babe!" He says. "Morning." I say taking my coffee. "What are we doing today, handsome?" I ask. "Well we only have two days left so today is a surprise, along with tomorrow!" He smiles deviously. I laugh, "What should I be wearing?" I ask. "Whatever you want." He says. I put on a sun dress over my bikini and a pair of sandals. "You ready?" He asks. "Yes." I say taking his hand.

He leads me to a boat, "I figured we could go scuba diving at Cod Hole, it's at the Great Barrier Reef, one of the Seven Natural Wonders and then we can go look at the beautiful fish and coral at No Name." He says. I smile, "Thats sounds perfect Josh!" I say. He kisses me and we head toward Cod Hole.

We go scuba diving, which I've never done before. It was an amazing experience. Josh held my hand the whole time to reassure me. After scuba diving we head to No Name. We are swimming in the crystal blue water. The coral is vibrant blues and pinks its jaw dropping. Beautiful colored fish swim around my feet. Everything is so beautiful here. We spend the while day scuba diving and snorkeling. Right before the sun sets Josh and I are back at the beach in front of our suite, "I have another surprise, it's not that big of a surprise." He says. I smile. We sit on the beach for a while, "it'll be soon." He says as the stars begin to shine brilliantly. I hear a plane and then I see it. 'I Love You, Mrs. Hutcherson' written in the sky. I smile, I grab my Nikon and snap some photos. "Oh wow, Josh that's amazing! I love you too!" I say kissing him. We lay in the sand for a while staring at the shining stars. I grab my iPhone and takes photos of us together and send a picture of the sky writing to Sophia. She texts back immediately, "Geezus, that's awesome! Having fun? ;)" I smile, "I'll be home soon, I'll tell you then. Love you girl!" Josh and I lay under the stars an hour more before heading back to the suite.

Josh and I are sitting in the living room looking through photos of the wedding and some of the photos from the honeymoon recapping each and every photo. It's about midnight when we finally crawl in bed. I'm wrapped in Josh's embrace as I look out the balcony and into the moonlit beach. I can faintly see dolphins jumping in the horizon. He kisses my cheek and whispers how much he loves me in my ear before I'm taken into the nights perfection.

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