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Brie Bella was looking everywhere for Sasha Banks, her fellow coworker and opponent for WrestleMaina. Brie and Sasha both have to work on their match for the 'greatest show of them all'. Both ladies talked about it and will like to put on an iconic match. Sasha's reason being that she has a standard to maintain and Brie's being she has plenty of haters to prove wrong and plenty fans to please. So where the hell is Sasha? Is the question on the younger Bella's mind.

"Nicole." Brie stopped her older twin sister, causing the group Nikki was walking with to also stop as well. "Yeah?" Nikki replied to her sister in a loving way. "Have you.." Brie stopped and looked at the other wrestlers, "or any of you seen Sasha?" The hippie awaited the divas and superstars answers. "She was looking for you. That was like ten minutes ago and she was on the next wing of the building." Wade Barrett -British, green eyes, crocked nose, nice dude- informed. Brie groaned at the information but was still thankful for it. "Why though?" Sheamus -milk white skin, red maw-hawk like a roster, Irish, funny guy- asked Brie. "We have to train for WrestleMania." Brie answered before waving and quickly rushing off to where Wade last said to see her.

Brie knew it's wasn't the smartest thing but right now it's only option and since her phone is dead she is basically screwed. Brie rushed past many of her coworkers who gave her strange looks but she ignored them. Still running, neither being able to stop both Sasha and Brie ran into each other, falling down. Brie groaned since she got the harder hit because Sasha landed on her. "Hey!" Sasha told with a smile. "Hey. Mind getting off me?" Brie sarcastically asked as Sasha made a 'ops' face and got off her. Helping both herself and Brianna to their feet. "Sorry." Both said at the same time making them laugh a bit at the fact. "So I was looking all over for you." Sasha stated and Brie's eyes widen. "Same here! I looked almost everywhere for you." Both ladies fell silent when they realize why they couldn't find each other. They both were moving too much. "Oh well let's go train. Lost Bella." Sasha smiled and pulled Brie along by her waist. Brie was too busy accessing the nickname just given to her.

"Okay so where do you think we should start? Classic lock up?" Sasha asked the veteran. Brie twisted her lips to the side thinking. "Nope. Since your the heel we will start with a blind folded kick." Brie suggested. Sasha smiled thinking she already love the way Brie thinks. "Great! So how about this. The bell ring, I act like I don't care. You turn to smile or point at the fans and when you turn, BAM! Kick!" Sasha told her idea. Brie smirked, knowing their match will already be great. "Let's practice." Brie instructed making Sasha nod.

"Go!" Sasha told pretending to kick Brie as the Bella fall down. Brie sat up and look at Sasha to see what she thinks. "Great. But how about you fall out the ring!" Sasha's eyes lit up and for some strange reason Brie couldn't resist them so she smiled and practice the spot.

"We have so many great spots in the match that even I'll be cheering and shocked." Sasha beamed after two hours of training, both divas sitting in the ring with their backs pressed to ropes for some support, while drinking water. "Same!" Brie breathlessly told. Working with Sasha was an absolute joy. She could tell if this goes as plan they will definitely work together again. Sasha smiled. She realizes just how much this match means to Brie and honestly thinks if she works like that for the actual match she will be considered a legend. She thinks Brie has major skills but got overshadowed by Nikki and water down by the company like so many divas. "Oh how about this!" Brie's voice snapped Sasha from her trail of thoughts to look at Brie. "At some point in the match I go for the pin. Then I crawl onto you in a sexy way, pulling you up in a sitting position, pretend that I'm going to kiss you but at the same time we both threw a punch at each other!?!" Brie suggested with so much excitement, children on Christmas morning doesn't even come close. Even if Sasha hated the idea she couldn't have said no to Brie with that face but she loved it. "Always got to be sexy Bella." Sasha said making Brie rolled her eyes but smiled. "Men have strength to their advantage we have sexiness, why not use it?" Brie shrugged saying. Sasha was impressed by her little speech. Simple but effective. "Hanging around Paige I see." Sasha told and both laugh. "But let's try it." Sasha told dragging her butt to the middle of the ring. Brie beamed and crawled over to her doing as said.

There was this moment when Brie got close to Sasha's lips she actually wanted to kiss her which confused her. "Brie now." Sasha instructed unawarely snapping Brie out of her trance. "Yeah. Three, two, one." Boom! The fell down and both fell to the mat. Both divas lay there until Sasha rolled over and cover Brie, pinning her hands above her. Sasha looked at Brie, realizing something changed inside of her for the woman beneath her and this position suddenly became weird. Brie and Sasha both had confused looks on their faces, not towards each other but themselves, both thinking 'what the hell is wrong with me?'

Sasha looked at Brie a bit hesitant. Neither making an effort to move. Sasha then sighed and got off Brie. Brie felt disappointed but understood. She got up and began to reach for her water, turning around and bumping into Sasha again, this time they didn't fall but their waters did. Their faces were so close. Both couldn't fight the force that was pulling them together so they gave in.

Both immediately beginning to kiss each other like their dear lives depended on it. Sasha never felt anything more awakening in her life and felt herself going weak, already getting addicted to Brie. Brie let Sasha dominate her because quite frankly she is too weak to even try to fight her. Tongue on tongue, Brie backed Sasha in to the side ring, pressing both their bodies together. Both moan at the feeling of the others breast on theirs. They pulled away breathless looking at each other shocked and hungrily. Sasha couldn't take it with the looking and her dominating nature took over, pulling Brie back into her and kissing, sucking and licking the older woman's neck. Brie bit her lip to contain her sounds of pleasure. Brie's hand holding Sasha by her waist. "Good thing we choose a private training place." Sasha told laughing against Brie's neck. Brie smiled and pulled Sasha back in for a kiss. Deciding this could be a once in a lifetime thing she cupped Sasha's bubble butt earning a loud moan from Sasha. Sasha loved it and how Brie wasn't shy, knowing this might be her only chance, she pulled back and remove her sweaty vest, leaving her in her bra.

"Gosh you're hot." Brie told staring at her chest. Sasha wasn't a big breasted girl but Brie loved the size of her breast. Brie reached up to cup them but Sasha grabbed hold of her hands. "Nope." Sasha taunted making Brie whine already sexually frustrated. Why is Sasha making her so desperate? "Why?" Brie asked. Sasha smiled loving seeing Brie in her state it makes her even more hot. The red head didn't respond instead she roughly kissed Brie while removing the Bella tank top. Sasha and Brie both reached out and cupped the others breast making both moan at the touch it's amazing.

"Hey guys! You're time is up!" Someone called from outside. Both women jumped apart and threw on their shirts, trying to not look like they were making out. The doors then opened and Seth walked in. "Hey." He greeted with a smile. "You two looked wrecked." Both tried to hide their nervous gulps. "Training hard I see." He told relieving them both.

"Yeah bye!" Brie rushed out leaving Sasha to wave at Seth before running out herself.

"I think they like me." Seth told himself with a cocky smile.

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