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Brie fidget around with her phone. All she wants is something to do and everyone is either busy or in their own world that she doesn't want to interrupt. She pouted and exhale. There was nothing to do. The hotel room is boring. She is not use to free time, she is always on the move. She exercise already for the day and doesn't feel like doing that again. So what now? She wonders to what Sasha is doing but sighed when she figured she'd be busy. She is the divas champ, they are always busy. She knew from her experience and also Nikki's long ass one. YouTube is boring now, Twitter has too many haters, insta is the same with the haters, Facebook was never her things. Brie didn't really had games on her phone but the ones she do have spikes no interest in her and no Netflix movie looks good to her right now.

Her eyes lit up and her head perked up when she heard and felt her phone began to rang, so excited she didn't even bother to look at the caller Id and just answered.

"Hey!" Her voice embarrassingly high revealing her excitement, she shut her eyes ashamed. It shouldn't matter it could be no one of impor- a laugh was heard and her face went redder. Sasha. Sasha couldn't help but laugh at the overly excited way Brie answered, she also found it cute. "You're excited." The champion teased her. Brie face palm. "Sorry about that. Let me try it again, hi." Her voice normal and casual Sasha rolled her eyes at how ridiculous Brie can be sometimes.

"So what are you up to?" Sasha asked opening her fridge only to pout and close it.

"Nothing absolutely nothing." Brie truthfully filled her in. It clicked in Sasha's brain and she made and 'ah' sound of acknowledgment.

"That explained your super happy tone." Sasha walked out her hotel room door.

"Yip. Who are Sherlock Holmes?" Sasha laughed and exit her room.

"No but I am coming to your room to get you." Brie's body stiffen as panic began to rise in her, she looks a mess.

"When?" Her voice nervous and Sasha giggled at it.

"About now." A knock was heard on Brie's door right after Sasha said that. Brie quickly got up fixing herself to the best of her ability, opening the door with a smile.

"Hang up now." Sasha spoke over the phone but their eyes locked to each other. Brie grinned and nodded as the two hung up their phones.

"Coming in?" Brie asked, already stepping aside. Sasha shook her head.

"No I said I'm coming to get you. So I'm not coming in but you're coming out." Brie's eyebrows knitted with utter confusion.

"To go where?" Sasha smiled and wiggled her brows.

"To train. I missed training with you and figured why not?" She raised her shoulders at her own suggestion. Brie stared blankly at her.

"Aren't you suppose to busy? Ya know, champ and all.." She messed around with her. Sasha laughed.

"Never to busy for you." The now pink head winked at Brie who inhaled and shook her head playfully.

"Fine I'm coming let me go change." Brie span to go change.

"What's wrong with what you're wearing?" Sasha asked eying her jersey and shorts.

"I like to practice in leggings." Sasha rolled her eyes at how ridiculous Brie is but left her to do just that.

Time skip

"Down!" Sasha shouted as Brie fell to mat allowing Sasha to run over her. Brie stood up and the two switch actions, going on like that for a while. The two then did some rolls. You know basic wrestling stuff.

Started at training [[sasha/Brie]]Where stories live. Discover now