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Brie pov

When the cameras cuts Sasha walked back over to Renee and I as all three of us walked a short distance to a crate and sat on it with me being the middle.

"Ya'know both of you have an insane amount of chemistry?" Renee spoke, looking at Sasha and I. I didn't know if to panic or smile so instead I looked puzzled.

"Doesn't everyone? Everyone backstage have chemistry with each other whether it be good or bad." I 'defended' I don't know, I just want to dig into what she meant. Renee nodded knowingly but then her eyes crinkled.

"That's the thing! Everyone does but you two own are off the chain. It's like you're either secret rivals or secret lovers, I don't know." Renee laughed and I forced out a laugh sounding odd, Sasha picked up and helped me.

"Enemies. She still bitter I took this from her." Sasha rubbed the title and Renee laughed louder and soon I managed a laugh normal again.

"I'm not." I told Sasha who gave me a playful sarcastic look.

"No but I'm serious you guys keep it up. Everyone feuding should have as many movie nights as you two." Renee suggested and Sasha nodded, as if it is oh so normal and I guess it is but I'm a bit paranoid okay. "Guys I got to go." The blonde Canadian interviewer hopped off the crate and ran to where the guy was calling her.

"You need to practice acting cool." Sasha immediately insisted. I rolled my eyes and looked at her dully.

"Thanks, means so much." She let out a little laugh and so did I. "Do you think we will have a good match out there?"

"Of course we would. We are great together." The boss replied and I blushed looking down. "Aww how cute." Sasha went to touch my cheeks but I swat her hand away.

"Hush." We laughed loudly earning some looks. "You know when you looked at me disgusted it felt so real. You aren't secretly disgusted by me are you?" I sincerely asked. Sasha looked at me absurdly. She then looked angry as she huffed and got off the crate.

"Follow me Brie." She instructed and began to walk off. What the hell? I froze for a second before getting off the crate and following her, my heart pounding. This could either be horrid or bad. I'm just hopping she doesn't go off on me.

Sasha's pov

I'm outraged by the stupid question Brie just asked me-yes I called the question stupid because it is. How could she think that look was sincere? I heard her footsteps behind me. Too be honest I have no clue where I'm carrying her all I know I want it to be scheduled and without cameras. Also it can't be far from the ring since our match begins soon.

I opened a white door and looked inside and saw no one, I then looked for cameras and saw not one. Good. "Enter." I flatly instructed she looked at confused before entering. I entered behind her and shut the door, locking it just case. Brie still looks worried.

"Look I'm sorry okay. It was just too real. I didn't mean to upset you." She is so cute when she panicked. Also she sucks at acting cool off air.

"You didn't upset me." My voice monotone. "Shocked me, yes. Outraged me, bingo but upset me nope." I stepped closer to her. She tilted her head confused.

"You called me in here to tell me that?........silently?" Gosh she can be such an airhead at times. I can't be mad at her, she is too cute. I cracked a smile and licked my lips. She noticed and an unsure little smile formed on her face.

"No. I called you in hear to show you just how much you don't disgust." I matter-of-factly stated before connecting our lips. I think I've grown addicted to our kisses. It just feels incredibly, natural and real with her. I feel her smile against my lips as she cupped my cheeks and I held her waist.

"You can show me how I don't disgust you anytime." Brie basically said in my mouth. I pulled away a little to laugh at that comment.

"You're too precious Brianna." She blushed and reconnected our lips. I pushed her back into a wall pinning her hands above her on the wall. She gasp at the action and I used the opportunity to let my tongue slip into her mouth and which it happily meet a next skilled tongue. She moaned into my mouth and I swear that turned me on way to much. I lost breathe and pulled away kissing her neck a bit. "Let's go get ready for our match and not raise more questions." Brie pouted but nodded she then stole a quick kiss which made me laugh but followed her out the room that thankfully no one was outside of.

We raced back to the gorilla, in which I won even though Brie tried to cheat. "You owe me five bucks kiddo." I pointed out, she rolled her eyes but giggled. "Dean kept me back." She made excuses although she isn't technically lying, she did bounce into Dean who insisted on hugging her allowing me to gain the upper hand until the next. "I still win. See you out there." I said to her walking out upon hearing my theme song, our opponents where already out. The crowd chanted the two ladies in the ring mocked me and I faked a smile. Brie's mucks was then heard and I forced myself to look annoyed but I'm really happy. The crowd chanted. We exchange hostile looks as we made our way to our side of the ring.

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