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Sasha's pov
I'm sitting backstage watching a match between Cena and the New Day vs the club, it is a cool match so far but the club is out numbered by one.   But seeing that Cena's team is face I guess they won't attack afterwards so 'The Club' stands a chance. Cena had Gallows knock down in the middle of the ring and that's why Xavier began to play his trombone and the guys started to dance to the crowd's 'New Day rocks' chant. I started smiling and moving a bit. It feels good to see my boys over like that. Cena looked at them confused before shrugging and doing a little dance making me along with others laugh.

Soon enough it was back to business and Cena picked up the win over Anderson. The Club got mad and stupidly attack, it's a fight they are destined to lose. I mean they are out numbered. Soon enough a brawl broke out an like I predicted The Club is getting their asses handed to them. AJ then stepped back smiling while shaking his head. I guess he is done. The lights went dark.... Huh? Then the all too familiar music began to play. My jaw dropped, I'm in shock it can't be. Soon enough Finn Balor appeared covered in paint appeared. I screamed, getting out of my chair. The crowd is boisterous right now. Tears of joy began to shed from my eyes. I've been waiting for his debut for the longest while! It is finally happening. Cena and New Day's faces feigned shocked seeing Finn, he then ran down and attacked them. Wow! I can't believe he debut here as heel, he was a face in NXT.

Omg! Their themes hit as the 'bad' guys stood tall. I jumped and race to the curtains knowing they'll be there by the time I get there. I ran pass many people who either laugh or gave me funny looks. Finn had now reach backstage, I screamed and jumped on him, hugging the shit out of him. He laughed and hugged me back. I then got down and punch him hard his arm earning and 'oww' from him.

"You dick! You couldn't have tell me you were debuting?" I asked, going to hit him again but he stepped back laughing.

"I wanted it to be a surprise, Mercedes. You don't know the trouble I went through to avoid you today. I had everyone keep quiet about it." My eyes widen at his Irish words. "Then I got a bit anxious. I thought maybe I went through all that trouble and you weren't even watching." He said while I laughed. I'm overwhelmed. I screamed and hugged him once more.

"Wow, Sasha you're bursting my ear drum." Brie appeared, shaking her ears playfully. I apologized and looked at Finn. "See, I told ya, I can keep a secret." She playfully winked at him and he nodded, giving her a fake bow which she laughed at. My mouth hung open.

"You knew?!" I ask my girlf- Brie. She beamed nodding.

"Am I the only person who didn't know?" I ask them both. Finn smirked.

"Well you and--"

"Finnnnnnnn!" A next Irish voice called but this one belonged to a femal, Becky lynch. Me and Becky didn't know. Instead of hugging him first she pinched him then hugged him. "You son of bitch. You couldn't have tell me you were debuting?" She argued but the smile big on her face.

"I wanted you both to be surprised." He shrugged and I hugged him just so happy. I can't believe he is finally here. Becky and I squealed.

"Gosh we have so much to tell you." I linked my arm with his. "I'll see you later okay Brie?" She raised her brows but nodded smiling and going her way.

"Fill me in." He spoke and Becky and I gave each other looks before going all in. We are going to take over this place. The new era truly begins now.

Unedited, sorry for the errors. This is just a filler chapter. Hope you enjoyed still

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