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When Brie and Sasha left the ring and found their ways backstage there were people congratulating them. Both Sasha and Brie smiled and nod, despite their cluelessness and fear. Brie and Sasha were heading to Stephanie's office side by side but neither uttered a word to each other though they want to ask the next if they knew about their match so badly.

"Ladies. C'mon here don't be shy....or rude." Seth approached them, wrapping his arm around Sasha motioning Brie enter his next open arm. The younger twin thought about it, huffing when she realized he would just nag her if she didn't, so she did. "Good." Seth said now having both women in each arm, while they walk. He noticed the atmosphere between them and tried to ease it. "So, I see you ladies kick Finn and I out of the main event." He spoke, bending a bit to reach their head levels.

Sasha smirked at him. "Jealous?" She teased. Seth did his signature annoying but somewhat nice laugh. Brie contained the urge to explode upon hearing Finn's name so she stayed silent. "Actually, yes. So I came to sike you guys out." He joked, but in all seriousness he was happy for them and also happy about the fact that there is less weight on his shoulders to end the PPV epically. "Please don't." Brie finally spoke up. Seth winked at her with a smile. "We had no idea this was coming." Brie went to explain and even Seth gasped. "Shit, wow. So how are you guys suppose to...?" He trailed off in genuine shock. Brie shrugged. "Exactly, that's what I'm thinking. That's why I'm heading to her office." Sasha spoke up and Brie pursed her lips. Seth noticed how it fell silent between the women who won't even look in each other's way, which is strange. He also noticed that Sasha said 'I'm' instead of 'we'. He knew they were already stressed about their surprise main event with such a tribulation so he decided not to ask what the hell happened between the two. "Guess you don't need me siking you two out then. Stephanie already did that." Seth joked but meant it. 'Yes she did', the two both thought while nodding. "Well we are here, I'd be around if you need anything. I'll be in the catering room. Peace." He removed his arms from around them, striking up the peace sign, turning around and walking in the direction they just came from.

Brie was about to knock but saw Sasha was about also so she pulled away allowing the divas champ to do it. Sasha noticed but ignored it. "Enter!" Stephanie called out. Sasha shrugged and opened the door, leaving it open for Brie as well as they entered, Brie closing the door. Stephanie smiled, she was expecting them. "Ladies sit." She pointed to the chairs, taking the one behind the desk for herself. The two sat down looking at their grinning boss with side looks.

"Steph, trust me when I say no disrespect but what the hell was that bombshell?" Sasha started off making Stephanie laughed happily, really amused, Brie lifted her brows not seeing what's so funny about it.

"Let me guess and you're thinking the same as Sasha over here, right?" Mrs. HHH questioned knowingly, while slowly nodding, smiling.

"Well....yeah. I mean, it's an honor but.." Brie trailed off and everyone in the room knew what the 'but' meant. It meant it's just so much of a shock and they aren't prepared for it. Sasha glanced at Brie and then back at their boss who has yet to lose her smile.

"Oh but you two are prepared for it." Stephanie told. Brie and Sasha gave her crazy questioning looks, shaking their heads. Steph cracked up silently to herself. She thinks she is a genius right now. Sasha is utterly disturbed by their boss. Stephanie, seeing that her employees may believe that she is losing her mind she decided to straighten her stance and regain her composure. "Right. You remember when I had you two training, practicing moves and learning moves from the trainer for a street fight?" Stephanie questioned.

Both nodded, not seeing why she is bringing that up. "Yeah but was because you told us to copy the trainers because we were the only two people available to teach new comers those crazy stuff. We can't take their match." Sasha went to say.

"Yeah but you won't be. That match was always you guys'." The employees gasp in genuine shock while Steph nodded. "Yip. My father, husband and I decided that we should trick you into learning the match and came up with some bullshit reason. This is why you never met your supposed 'students'" Stephanie laughed. It became crystal clear now, to both ladies that they had gotten played by their bosses. "Guys even when you being trained the trainer said you had some amazing ideas. Ideas they incorporated into the match itself. You got this." The billion dollar princess told, sincerely and eagerly. She really believe in them.

Sasha and Brie inhaled. Brie and Sasha looked at a lost. Brie was edging closer to backing out. "Okay fine, we will do it." Sasha agreed making Stephanie clap with joy but setting a fire of anger in Brie. She hated that the 'boss' didn't even ask her and that she suddenly knows the word 'we'. When we were just walking with Seth she surely didn't know it, Brie buttery thought. "Brie what do you think?" Stephanie asked with hopefully eyes. She maybe asking Brie now but they all know she can still call the match and make them do it, if they want to keep their jobs that is. Sasha just looking at Brie knew she was pissed behind her fake smile. "Yeah. I'm in." The Bella told, pursing her lips after. Stephanie was over the moon happy. "Uh, I just need to go clear my head and stuff." Brie said standing up, Stephanie nodded understandingly.

Brie smiled before walking out. "Ugh!" She grunted to herself. She hates this and she hate what Sasha just did. Sasha was out a second later. Sasha knew she was wrong for speaking for the two of them but she thought it was a great opportunity. She went to go over to Brie and apologized and Brie knew it. Brie just shook her head at her and stomp out.

'This match will be shit, if this is how we are acting' both ladies thought but did nothing to change it.

The crowd cheered as Sasha entered, still face. She smiled and entered the ring, hoisting up her butterfly belt high in the air. Before Sasha can even fully do her entrance, Brie's them hit, making Sasha roll her eyes at the newly claimed heel. The crowd booed but cheers were in there also. Brie entered the ring, ignoring Sasha, soaking up the boos, she likes working as a heel honestly.

Both ladies then had and intense stare down and both know it was completely real. The match about to start with the Stephanie's theme hit. Brie who had her back to the ramp turned around, again genuinely confused.

"Isn't tonight the night of surprises?!" Stephanie questioned and the crowd shortly chanted yes making principle owner smile. "Well let's add one more surprise." Please don't tell me, this is a bra and panties match, Sasha please mentally. Brie on thee other hand was just waiting to see what the surprise is. "For years and years, the divas had been asking to be treated equally to the men. And not just the divas but also the diva fanbase which led to the women's revolution." Both ladies nodded, Brie having to keep hers a bit heelish. "And not just in the WWE but all over the world. Women want equality." The crowd cheered again, Sasha looked around smiling. Brie just looked on, though she completely agreed. "Well we here at the WWE have heard your pleas and decided to stand out from the crowd because we know here women are equal to men."
"Dam right." Brie muttered, nodding. Stephanie smiled at the chanting crowd. "That's why as of right now, right here, Sasha shall be revoked from her divas title belt." Sasha gasped out raged! Brie smirked hiding the fact that she herself was shock. "Brie you won't be fighting for the divas belt." Stephanie went on to say. This making Brie mad herself, she doesn't know what sick joke Stephanie is playing on her. "What?!" Both women yell now by the ropes.

Stephanie knew she had them right where she wanted them. "Guys come out!" The boss ordered and men the two wrestler recognized as stage mangers came out with rolling a table and that has a black cloth cover what seems to be a belt. Brie and Sasha both had squinted eyes. Stephanie and the men made their way to the ring.

Brie and Sasha looking at the table and the boss. Stephanie grinned. "Because tonight! We are making history! You will no longer be called divas but superstars and superstars shouldn't be fighting for a divas belt." The two wrestlers gasp, Sasha tearing up, she hated the term 'diva' so much and was glad it was finally getting relinquished. Brie on the other was happy but she thought that the term didn't define them, their word did. "So as of right now you two will be fighting for the women's title!" Stephanie announced and unveil the belt. Sasha cried, she loved it. It was like the men's just white and red with gold. Brie grinned wickedly. The crowd chanted loudly.

"Who ever wins the match tonight shall be crowd the first ever women's champion, good luck ladies." Stephanie told leaving, the men took the table and the belt out the ring.

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