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Sasha rubbed her eyes and got out of bed with a man swallowing yawn. She sniffled a bit and grab her phone from nightstand, checking the time and ignoring the ten messages and three miss calls. She doesn't like to communicate with humans when she just woke up. She rest down the phone and walks into the bathroom. She scared herself in the mirror by her wake up look. Wild hair, dirty eyes and dried drool. She shook her head and strip out of her 'hello kitty' night wear and underwear. She then stepped into the shower, screaming when the cold water blast her, definitely waking her up. "Erghh!!!" She groaned and set the water to warm. She hates hot water unless it is absolutely necessary nor does she like to visit Antarctica in her shower.

After showering and brushing her teeth. She got dressed in a grey sweats, with a matching sports bra and a goldsheep open arm tank top over it. She creamed her skin and then plop down on her bed. She grabbed her phone and replied to the messages. She just laid there for a good bit of time before thinking of Brie and her need to fix things between them growing. She groaned and walked back into her bathroom, fixing her hair and putting on a light amount of make up. She grabbed her phone and room card, holding both in her hand as she existed not having pockets and having no need for a bag. She decided to go visit Brie whose room is a few doors down. She saw her going in there last night when Finn dropped her off after their later celebration of her winning the title. The NXT men and women have different schedules from them so... By the way it was the Wednesday after 'Mania.

Brie sat on her bed, painting her toes, biting her lip trying to perfect her toe. "There!" She smiled at her work, while covering back the nail polish, resting it besides her. She saw her phone over to the other side of the bed and since she can't risk smudging her toes she just sat there and hum nursery rhymes to herself. "Who the hell is it?" Brie whispered to herself, in a angry tone. She didn't want to get up to open the door. "Who is it?!" She call out in a sing-song voice. "Mercedes!" Sasha replied through the door, using her birth name. Oh, Brie thought. Her anger was now replace by nervousness. She has no idea if she should allow her in. The last time they were alone was the first time they trained for wrestlemaina and we all know how that worked out. Sasha bit her lip and tap her feet when she heard nothing, not even foot steps. Should she leave? Sasha asked herself. "Uh! Try and see if the door is lock. You can come in if it isn't!" Brie called out. She wouldn't just let her stand out there. Plus Nicole was in her room a few minutes ago and Nikki never locks back her door. Brie fixed her hair to the best she could while trying to look normal. Sasha raised a brow at that reply but twist the door knob and surely enough it was unlock.

"Hey." She greeted when she entered and closed the door behind her. "Should I lock it?" Sasha asked, not sure what answer she wants to hear. Brie thought about it for a second. "Nope. It's not like we are going to do anything." Brie instantly hated herself after saying that. Sasha shut her eyes but her back was facing Brie so, Brie never saw. Ouch, that her. "Uh yeah." Sasha replied and walked over to Brie seeing her toes and nail polish understanding why she didn't get the door.

"So what brings you here?" Brie tried to converse, watching the red, paint dry on her toes. "My need to make it right with you." That, was the truth, Sasha wanted to be on un-awkward terms with Brie. "Oh. Mercedes there is nothing to make right. We are fine." Brie said but never once look at the woman with the cranberry red hear. "Brianna if everything was right between us people wouldn't be thinking we had an argument." She used the hippie's full name, seeing Brie used her real one. Brie sighed and looked at Sasha. "What do you mean? I hug you after our match. I think they know we are fine. Maybe they think we just can't be friends or something." Brie pitch her thoughts. Sasha sat on the edge of the bed and look at the brunette. "Yeah but that isn't true. And even it were it doesn't matter. I hate how awkward and tense we are with each other. It was not like that before." Of course it wasn't, I didn't had the urge to kiss you before we trained, Brie thought but said. "It makes for great promos." Sasha rolled her eyes questioning why Brie is being difficult. "Don't you think it will make for even greater ones when we are on good terms and don't have to be very careful." Brie know Sasha is right but she don't want to let herself get close to her. She don't want that. "Doesn't matter, our storyline is almost ending. I'm moving on to Paige while you get Becky." Ugh, even Brie is hating her difficulty but that's how she programmed herself ages ago, Nicole hates it!

"Look you know what? I'm done! All I wanted to do was make things good between us! Patch things up!" Sasha has had enough, she then looked at Brie and softly stated. "I didn't come up here to kiss you Brianna."

Now it was Brie's turn to get sting by words. Does she really want Sasha to be angry at her? She could be friends with her without having a ridiculous make out session, it's possible. Maybe that was truly a one time thing she should let go of. Brie sighed.

"You're right. I was being a bitch and I'm sorry. I truly am. Let's- let's just put this in the past and go back to being friends." Brie smiled a charming smile. Sasha returned one. She does want to kiss Brie but she don't want to wreck things further and she don't want to question her sexuality anymore. "I would like that." Sasha spoke and Brie smile. She patted the mattress and removed her nail polish as she slid across to give Sasha room. The divas champion look at the younger Bella with a raised brow but she just nodded. Sasha shrugged and removed her shoes, joining her on the bed.

Let us make this as normal as possible

That was the mission on both ladies mind. Brie started to feel like a shitty host for not entertaining her guest. "Erm......you want to watch Netflix?" Brie asked in pure innocence. Sasha laughed loudly as Brie looked at her incredulously. "We just agree to be friends and you trying to Netflix and chill with me." Brie picked up and what Sasha was referring too, making her roll her eyes but laugh. Would she really mind 'Netflix and chilling' with Sasha? Brie shook her head to get rid of the thoughts. "Don't be a pervert." Brie told. "Yes or no?" Sasha shrugged she had nothing to do for the day. "Yeah sure."

"This was a bad idea." Brie spoke up. The two had agreed to watch Supernatural saying that they would only watch like two episodes but it's now night and they are almost finishing watching season one. "I didn't know it would be so good." Sasha replied eyes focused on Brie's laptop. Brie would have argued but Sasha was right. "Dean is so cute." Sasha cooed and Brie smirked even though she half wished it was her she was saying that too and about. "Never pinned you as one to like Ambrose." Sasha pushed Brie by her shoulder making Brie laugh. "Winchester sweetheart. Not Ambrose." Sasha cleared the air but decided to added. "I'm more of a hippie Bella, kind of girl." Brie almost choked on air. She looked at Sasha and feel herself wanting to lean in. No! Just friends! Brie scolded herself. "Nice try. I'm a Sam girl." Sasha fake a smile. She wanted Brie to say something about her too, shit she wanted her to kiss her again. Maybe I'm really just a friend and the kiss was a one time thing to her. Sasha sadden herself with the thought.

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