The script prt 1

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Tonight is the night the storyline starts, well fully Sasha already made Brie get beat in her match against Paige and Becky, now it's time for the script to begin.

Sasha is sat backstage getting her hair and make up done while her eyes are close, the cameras showcasing her face on the screen, the crowd cheered when they saw her. And that's when Stephanie walked into the shot. She smiled at the women motioning for them to stop what they are doing.

"Uh, I didn't tell you to st--" Sasha's word fell short after she opened her eyes and saw Stephanie now standing in front of her. A respectful smile came across her face, Stephanie is a heel like Sasha, it will only make sense for her to smile at the boss. "Stephanie, hey?" She greeted but it came out like a question since she is unsure of why Stephanie is there....well her character is suppose to be. Stephanie smiled.

"Sasha I'm so terribly sorry to disturb your session." Stephanie 'apologized' but the champion smiled, brushing it off.

"No, it's no problem. What brings you here?" She tried to ask as respectively as possible even though people might find a twinge of attitude in her tone if they listen carefully.

"Well, we can't have a great Raw like we are aiming for without our divas champion." Stephanie buttered 'the boss' up and she is loving it. In Sasha's mind she thinking 'duh' and her facial expressions shows it even though she is trying to act modest. "So I've come to inform you that you're in a match tonight." Sasha shrug, she believes she can beat anyone in the locker room.

"Who is it? Emma, Becky, Paige, Nattie, Nikki, Naomi." She scoff before saying "Brie." A mocking smile came across her face.

"Your match is against Paige and Becky." Sasha's smile dropped as she looked at the boss in shock feeling betrayed, she thought Stephanie was better than that when it comes to her. The shock wear off as a smug, cocky look came across her face even though you can see she is worried. "I see the look of betrayal and shock on your face." Stephanie laughed and Sasha gain confuse smile kind of thing. "No, it won't be a handicap match." She let go a breathe she didn't even know she had. She isn't really friends with people on the roaster but hey having someone there to take a few hits for you never hurt. The boss smiled at her boss.

"Oh good, who?" Sasha asked, Stephanie looked down right evil with the smirk she is now sporting.

"Brie Bella." Sasha's jaw dropped and a look of disgrace came across her face. Stephanie is now off her good list, for good. What the hell? Stephanie grinned.

"I can't, I'm out." Sasha answered looking at herself in the mirror. Stephanie looking at her through the mirror.

"It wasn't a question Sasha." The principal owner voice darken. "It was a demand." Sasha laughed at WWE boss lady, she is not intimidated by her. Steph looked at her carefully seeming a bit amused.

"Still, no." Banks stood up for herself, she isn't a puppet to be boss around, she is a BOSS. Stephanie nodded sticking her bottom lip out a bit before the famous crazy, wicked look came across her face.

"Then I'll just make it an ultimatum then. You fight with Brie as your partner tonight or you fight Brie for your title tonight." Sasha turned to face Stephanie angrily, chest raising with each breath, Stephanie got that vindictive grin on her face, talking a step closer to the champion. "And I will make sure Brie wins it." She stepped back raising her hands in the air. "Your choice." With one last look at the reeling champion she turned on her heels and left. Sasha furious, closing her eyes and breathing deeply. She got off her chair looking at the hairdresser and make up artiste she had forgotten were there, she glared at them and kicked the chair down, grabbing the title and walking in the opposite direction of Stephanie. The crowd going wild, not knowing which match they prefer to see, all they know they will be happy to see either match.

Minutes later Renee is introducing Brie to her backstage interview, the crowd chanted when they saw her appear on the screen. Brie smiled and looked at Renee who is also smiling at her.

"So what is your reaction to hearing the information Stephanie gave Sasha?" Renee asked and Brie immediately looked confused as a scoff like laugh escaped her lips.

"Renee, with all due respect I'm not a Sasha Banks stan, as people say, I'm the opposite actually. I could careless about what Sasha is doing with her life. So I have no reaction to that question Renee. Once more with all due respect. Why would you ask?" Renee looked a bit shocked that Brie doesn't know. Brie looked at her awaiting answers.

"Oh you haven't heard." Brie shook her head slowly with raised brows. "I just thought as it concerned you, you would have kno-" Brie shook her head and hands frantically, cutting off Renee.

"Concerning me? Wha--" just like Renee Brie too was cut off this time by an unwelcome guest. The crowd made noise when they saw Sasha appear, Renee step back not wanting to get in the way of the women. Both ladies sending cold glares at each other and the crowd loved it. Sasha cracked a grin.

"Typical of you of Brie. You can't stay away from me, can't you?" Brie's eyebrow knitted.

"What are talking about." Sasha scowled looking disgusted by Brie.

"You just mean you can't leave me alone? Can you? Gosh! I don't know how you did it but you convinced Stephanie to get on your side-" Brie chuckled at Sasha's naiveness.

"Stephanie is on no one's side besides her own and her husband's. I did nothing. I have no idea of what you're speaking about." Sasha rolled her eyes presuming Brie is lying. Renee switched the mic to Sasha's lips.

"Sure okay." Sasha sarcastically laughed. "You didn't know that Stephanie gave me an ultimatum where I either have to team with you or fight you for my title which Stephanie will make sure you win? Sure K." The sarcasm became a theme in her voice. Brie looked shocked as a smile came across her face.

"No, I didn't have no idea. But it looks like I'm winning my title back tonight. Don't worry Sasha I'd tell Stephanie myself to not get involved I want to beat you myself." Brie nodded saying while smiling. Sasha laughed at her.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. It was a choice after all, and I guess I will see you out there partner. Please at least be decent out there." Sasha bitterly scowled. She knocked the mic from Renee's hand and left. Brie was left somewhat disrespected, shocked and annoyed but she was ready for the match.

Then the camera came off of them.

(Yes I'm aware that it's now the women's belt but it hasn't made it way to the story yet so, yeah. 😃)

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