Chill day

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Sasha and Brie laid tangled up together in Brie's bed....well hotel, bed. They are in Cincinnati Ohio after Raw and SmackDown was filmed there, it is Wednesday today and neither lady has anything planned besides spending the day together.

"Hey, Brie?" Sasha spoke up, killing the silence between the two. Brie looked at Sasha with a smile.

"Yeah, b- Sasha." Brie almost slipped and called her babe. Sasha noticed the slip but figured she was about to call her by her own name or something.

"I thought we were suppose to go sightseeing or something?" Sasha teased Brie, who smiled with a small laugh.

"I mean I asked Ambrose to tell me the hot spots but he told me later then forgot, so I have no clue but I figured we can go walking around later, buy lunch or whatever." Brie told the red pink hair woman, wrapped in her arms her thoughts. Sasha bite her lip, thinking about it.

"Classic Ambrose. But yeah that seems nice." Sasha smiled, liking the idea, she push her body upwards a little kissing Brie on the lips. Brie smiled and kissed her back, both pulling away after a little. Kissing and cuddling is the most they have done for many reasons. One, they are both too afraid to even try to go to the next level. Two, they've never been with a girl before and think they will have no idea what to do and three they aren't even sure what they are.

"Remind me to slap Dean next time I see him please." Brie asked jokingly of Sasha who burst out laughing.

"It will me my pleasure." She giggled saying, looking at the tv screen in the room. "You do know we aren't even paying attention to the movie right?" Sasha looked at Brie who had realization slapped her across the face, she didn't even notice it was still on.

"It was a boring." She referred to Lmn show. The boss couldn't disagree there with the hippie.

"Wanna practice wrestling moves?" Sasha shot up, kneeling besides Brie asking with lots of excitement Brie groaned and covered her face with a pillow.

"I don't want to leave my bed." She complained, words muffled due to the pillow on her face. Sasha rolled her eyes and removed the pillow.

"On the bed smart ass." She sasses Brie who made mocking faces at her but kneeled next to her.

"Geesh, you didn't need to be mean." Brie told in a sad, complaining voice but shot her a bright smile after that. Sasha leaned forward and pecked her lips, pulling back to see a smiling hugely Brie. "Better." She told, like the spoiled person Sasha is treating her like together. Sasha shook her head with a big grin.

"Spoilt." She told Brie who simply raised her shoulders, happily smiling before both began to laugh. "I've always wanted to try the yes lock." Sasha informed Brie who got a show off smile, grooving a bit.

"I did, Bryan taught me." She bragged, Sasha narrowed her eyes at her but can't possibly be mad since she is mentally cooing at her adorableness but she is shocked.

"When?" She asked looking at the younger Bella by sixteen minutes, a fact Nikki loves rubbing in Brie's face.

"He is my good friend, it was like a year before you came up to the main roster and I was in the training room with him, Nikki, Randy, Seth, Dean, Nattie and Naomi. I told him I wanted to learn it and he showed me and I practiced it on him, Dean and Nikki." Brie explained getting this evil glint in her eyes when she said Nikki and Sasha just knew she probably, no not probably, she did applied it extra tight and hurtful on Nicole.

"I don't even want to know what you did to Nikki." Brie's began shaking her head as she slightly laughed at those words, remembering that day. "Want to show me?" Sasha broke her out of her train of memory. She found it adorable how Sasha asked her.

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