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Brie's pov

"So, how's your day." I causally asked Sasha scrolling through Twitter, watching somethings Nikki tweeted on our shared profile. "Long. Being the champion sure is more work." She sighed out. I cracked a smile and looked at her. "That's why I didn't put up much of a fight when I heard I'd lose it to you." I winked at her playfully. She shook her head, smiling at me. She dyed her hair more pink, which looks great on her. "You're a bitch." She cussed me and I faked a gasp. "That's why we get along so well." I winked again playfully at her. "Plus were are the other divas? Any divas getting a match tonight?" I got serious. "Nope. Vince said there are some big important things happening tonight so divas are cut." I shook my head, annoyed and over the treatment the divas are getting. "Guess he forgot all the things he said at Mania." I reminisce on his words, shaking my head. "Do you think Triple H will make a better leader?" Her voice went somewhat innocent which made her sound cute. She looked at me and I wanted to awe. "Definitely. I heard him argue on our behave but Vince and Dunn just don't care to hear him out. That's why divas are treated like gold at NXT." I poured out my emotions and Sasha hummed understandably.

No one's pov

"Well what are you doing tonight?" Brie asked hoping Sasha would say stay with her, kiss her, cuddle her, even love her. "Ermm.....I don't know, why?" Sasha wanted to ask if she can stay with her but don't want to push it. She and Brie haven't kissed since the last time. She wants too but it is like she never knows a good opportunity too. It is really confusing. "Oh." Brie squinted her eyes saying, unsure if that was an accurate thing to say. Sasha felt disappointed Brie didn't invite her to stay with her.

Brie shook her head. She has had enough with being shy and scared to take action. She may ruin it but so far she haven't. Sasha actually kiss her. And she doesn't run after or give her the cold shoulder after. That must means something right? "Wanna stay with me? We can do what you want?" Brie wiggled her eyebrows asking. Sasha felt her face heat up as she looked down blushing. Brie noticed and gain a smug grin. "I'd will love too." Sasha shyly replied, shocking Brie. "The boss is shy?" Brie playfully teased her. Sasha reached out and pushed her arm. "Have anything in mind?" Sasha asked Brie biting her lip. Brie looked at her and suddenly only dirty things pop up in her mind. Things that they will take a long while to get too if they do continue. "Erm. Just chilling with you." Brie casually shrug and Sasha was A-okay with that answer.

"Hey girlies." Nikki came and sit down on the opposite side of them, smiling. "Nicole." Brie flatly responded as Sasha send the other Bella a small wave. Nikki rolled her eyes at her sister. "Any plans for tonight?" Nikki asked and both girls grew unsure if to tell her or not. "Yeah. Me and Brie are having a girls night in." Sasha announced shrugging. Brie was surprised Sasha said that, Nikki nodded, she don't see anything wrong with that. "Can I come?" She asked and Sasha immediately regretted telling her. She wanted her and Brie only. But she doesn't know if Brie wants the same, after all Nicole is her twin. "No." Brie stunned both by coldly replying. Nikki got an offended look on her face. "You're a real bitch." She glared at her sister. "Why not?" She sounded like baby. Brie smirked. "Because you just called me a real bitch." Nikki flipped her off kicking Brie's foot a little but Brie smirked wider. "Screw you Brianna." Brie winked at her sister. Nikki turned to Sasha. "Want to hang with me instead?" Sasha's lips parted. She wants to be with Brie but the baby face Nikki is sending her is too much. 'Be strong Sasha' she willed herself up. "Next time. Brie asked first." Nikki shook her head and stood up. She looked down at them both. "You two suck." With that she walked off leaving the two to laugh like mad people.

"Want to be alone with me?" Brie ask with a flirty grin. Sasha shocked but happy Brie is opening up. "Maybe." She half answered sweetly. Brie smiled and twirl her hair. "Yes or no?" She bargained. Sasha looked at Brie trying to be flirty. "Hair twirling is so high-school." Sasha critiqued. Brie burst out laughing. "You suck." Sasha figured since Brianna was so bold earlier, she should be too. "Brie?" Brie looked at her sincerely. "I really want to kiss you." Sasha confessed and Brie began to blush, she wasn't expecting that. But that doesn't mean she wasn't glad to hear it. "Good. I want to kiss you for hours." Brie replied in a whisper tone. "That's making me really excited for tonight." Sasha is now the one winking. "Same here. Wanna give me a sample?" Brie joked knowing people is around and they don't want to be caught. Sasha looked around and found the people in here with them had their backs facing them and no cameras were around. She quickly leaned in and pecked Brie's lips pulling away quickly. Brie's mouth is hanging open stunned. She looked around and realized no one saw. Sasha gained a devious grin. "Don't test the boss again Brianna. I'd see you tonight." With that Sasha got up and left. Brie watched her walked, still in amaze before smiling to herself. She likes the new bold and forward them.

"Breezy what's up?" Seth came and sat next to her. Brie looked at him blushing at her thoughts of few seconds ago. Seth looked at her and smirked, convinced he is the reason she is blushing. "You're not going to answer me?" Seth asked in a cocky tone. Brie watched him. She didn't even remember when he sat next to her. "What did you say?" Seth beamed at her, thinking she was distracted by his beauty. "Nothing important hippie." He winked at her and walked off leaving her hella confused.

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