Next time

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Brie pov

I opened the door and Sasha is standing there all dress down in her pj's. Thank goodness, I was worried she'd be dress up while I'm in my nightie and she got the wrong idea but no we are both in PJ's. "Pj's yes!" I said letting Sasha in closing and locking the door just in case Nikki tries to get in. "Goodnight to you too." Sasha joked, I  laughed and shook my head hopping on the hotel bed, patting for Sasha to lay next to her. "What's on the agenda?" Sasha asked sitting Indian style on my bed. "Netflix?" I uncertainly suggested squinting my eyes a bit. "Sure. But we finished watched out supernatural what else can we watch?" Sasha asked and I twisted my lips to the side, unsure. I got up and grabbed my laptop turning it on all that jiz before opening Netflix. "Let us scroll through and see." I suggested as Sasha scooted closer to me and I couldn't help but smile. Why am I so gay for her? "Scandal?" I asked her looking at her, fighting the urge to kiss her. "Watch the recent episodes the suspense is lost with me." I nodded getting where is coming from as we keep on scrolling through. "Erm, how to get away with murder?" She asked me but I shook my head. "To mainstream. We need a show not everyone is talking about." I spilled and she nodded seeming to love it. "Oh wait. Scroll back to the side." I listened to her furrowing my brows a bit confuse. "Stop." She said and I did, looking at her widening my eyes a bit as if to say what? "That one." She pointed to the screen, I opened the tab to a show called 'The Originals' I looked at her and see seemed to be reading the little information they give you. "It has five stars and I haven't heard people going about it. Let's try it." She beamed and how could I say no? "I heard it is spin-off to the vamp diaries." I told her shrugging as I pressed play to season one episode one. "You heard about this show?" Sasha seemed shocked and while all I did was shrug a little. "Not really just Raven saying she won't watch no spin-offs they are never as good." I said as the show began to start open with a boat or ship or something? "Raven the hairdresser?" I confirmed her thoughts by nodding. "We'll see." Was all she had left to say and I couldn't agree more.

I rest the laptop at the foot of the bed so we can lay down and look at it. "What a badass entrance." I told looking at the screen, so far it is okay. I don't know, it isn't horrible. "Who is he?" Sasha asked looking at the screen a bit confused. "Elijah, if I remember correctly. My favorite so far." I stated my opinion. "I like Rebekah and klaus so far. Can't chose between them both." I smiled knowingly. "I figured." I leaned over to her a bit and kissed her cheek. She blushed and looked down smiling. "Very smily for a supposed badass." I poked fun at her. She simply flipped me off making me laugh. "How did you know I'd like them?" She changed the topic. It is obvious, I thought, anyone who knows her, knows those two would be her favorite. "Because, you like badasses and those two just exudes badassery." I winked at her as she nodded and went back watching the show.

"Shit I think I'm in love with Klaus!" I found myself saying on episode seven. Sasha gasped and looked and me. "He wasn't even your favorite! She argued and I shrugged. "I know! But he is an asshole that you can't help but love!" I said in whiny love struck way. "Plus he has a cute accent. But go back to Elijah!" Sasha remarked and I playfully roll my eyes, she can be so hype at times. "Elijah is still my fav, he has some, epic entrances but he is like my best friend Klaus is like the jerk at school you can't help but love." I explained to her and she sighed, shaking her head. "Let me guess, you love Rebekah too?" She said knowingly and I gave her a cute puppy smile. "You can't help but love her. She is second favorite female after Hayley." I pointed out and Sasha gasped almost looking offended. I'm confused. "Who can love anyone woman before Rebekah? Rebekah then Hayley." It was now my turn to gasp. Rebekah is amazing but Hayley rules. "Nope." I said making us bicker for a while before she shut me up by kissing me.

I smiled and paused the show, turning on my back so she can get on top of me, which is hotter and way more comfy. "I like your way of shutting me up." I told her pulling back a little. She smirked at me. "I'll keep that in mind." She said reconnecting our lips in what can be described as the hottest kiss of my life, I then slipped my tongue in her mouth, she used hers as a guide to around her mouth. She is too good. I moan as she sloppily moved her lips from mine to my neck, but it only made it twice as hot. She kissed my neck and lick it a bit before stopping and looking at me dead in the eyes. "You're  really hot Brie." She complimented me and I blushed making her smirked. "And your a sexy boss." I re complimented her causing her to smile brightly before reconnecting our lips in a slow but passionate kiss and I love every moment of it. "It don't feel weird with you." I said as soon as we pulled away she nodded biting her lip looking incredibly hot. She got off me and I pouted a bit but said nothing I wanted this to go on for hours. She sat up and looked down at me. I flashed her a smile. She winked at me and I couldn't help but laugh, it was how she did it. I sat up besides her. Kissing her cheek. She then looked me dead in the eye. "Next time your top is coming off." Was all she said and I bit my lip to contain myself. Okay definitely excited for next time, my body can already feel it. I'll change my underwear just now. "Why wait until next time?" I seductively asked her. She leaned in super close to me. "Because I want to watch the rest of the episode and sleep. Tomorrow shall be super busy." She pulled away and pressed play. Wow she played me. I remained silent, going back to watching the show. Thank goodness it is an amazing show or else I'd take it off.

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