Tickets and tears

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Sasha's pov

I left Brie to go and meet up with Finn. He called me up very excited about he says I'll love and (a fun fact about me) I have no patience when it comes to surprises and gifts. I just want to see what it is. Brie didn't seem to have much of a problem though, just a pout but she smiled and told me she understood.

I knocked on Finn's door seeing that he is staying at the same hotel as us. I waited for him to open up and when he did I invited myself in, hearing him laugh behind me, I turn to face him curiously after looking around.

"What is it?" I asked him excitedly and curiously with a hint of no patience. Finn walked around me and sat on the edge of his bed.

"What is what?" He teased, I corked my head to the side with a sassy look on my face before groaning.

"Seriously Finn what is it?" I'm sure I sounded desperate but I really can't be bothered into caring about how I sound at the moment.

"What? You want me to just tell you. No build or nothing." Yea, pretty much I nodded. "Boring. I'll tell you now, as long as you say I'm the greatest friend you've ever had."

Is he serious? I looked at him with narrowed eyes just to see if he was serious and sure enough he is nodded. I sucked my teeth debating my options. Do I really want to risk it? And do I really want to add to his ego? None actually.

"Finn you're the greatest friend ever." My curiosity won and he grinned big time reaching his hand back, pulling at something, slowly just to tease me, my eyebrows knitted together, awaiting to see what it is. My face sort of dropped when I simply saw and envelope. I know Finn can be a douche and gifts me an envelope, trust me he did it before. "Seriously?" I asked annoyed and pissed.

He chuckled. "No it's not just an empty envelope this time. Me and my balls learned never to pull that stunt on you again." I bit back a laugh, trying to remain serious. "What's in this envelope is life changing, eye opening, dream defining, goal reaching, world sa-"

"What it is?!" I snapped cutting him off causing him to double over in silent laughter.

"You're to sweet." His Irish voice rang in my ear. "But not seriously." He shook off his playfulness walking over to me. "You know that place that you said you wanted to go but it already got booked out before you even had a chance and since it is only going to open for like a month or so and because if you're schedule that this would've been the only time you could have gone?" He asked and I nodded as my mouth dropped open. Is this? Is he? What? "Well I got us tickets to that place." I covered my mouth.

"Shut up! How? Not even Snoop could have?" I asked referring to my famous cousin. Finn smiled brightly, obviously proud of himself. This can't be true, my excitement died down. "You're lying." I accused him. He raised his shoulder and handed me the envelope. I eyed him then it, taking it and opening it, covering my mouth gasping when I saw the tickets, tears wanting to fall. "How?" I whispered.

"Well a friend of mine, who parents works there, he owed me back for something I did for him in Ireland and I pulled strings and got him to give up his and his girlfriend's tickets for us. Yip, not even employees children can get those tickets easily." Finn explained and I hugged him tightly.

"You really are the greatest." I look at the tickets. "Oh my gosh." I muttered, I can't believe it.

"You doubted me?" He joked and I really couldn't laugh since I'm still so in shock. "It's got in to be nerd out.....well not really, since some girls are got in for the guys and vice versa." He shrugged.

The event I'm reacting like this for, is called 'Stars reenact'. It basically going to me a restaurant like theatre where stars from movies come and react their most noted scenes. Celebs like Anne Hathaway, Marylyn Streep, Leonardo, Brad Pitt, Angelina, Robert Downey, the Chris-es (Hemsworth, Evans, Pine, Rock maybe even Pine) and so much more are going to be there, even singers like Celine Dione are performing.

"I want to cry I'm so happy." I swooned, smiling as a tear ran down my face.

"Awe. That is what I was going for." Finn hugged me and I hugged him back.

"Thank you so much Fergal. Best thing ever." I praised him and he shrugged with a smile.

"Anytime Mercedes." He used my real name liked I used his, we both shares smiles at each other. I looked down at the tickets then back up at him, breathe getting caught in face since we are so close to each other's faces. Uh, what do I do now? I've got this thing going with Brie.

He just looked into my eyes then at my lips, he leaned in and so did I because I want it in a way. Our lips soon met, and he led the kiss, I deepened it, wrapping my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist pulling closer. He is really good, rougher than Brie- shit Brie!

I pushed him away look at him with wide eyes. "I'm sorry." I gave him back the tickets and rushed out, did I just cheat on Brie with him? Do I like them both now? Shit! I messed up big time! Ugh! Should I tell Brie? We aren't together so was it cheating? I just don't know I'm scared as hell.

Funny gave me two surprises, tickets and tears.

A/n: this is unedited, so I'm sorry for all the errors, just really stressed. I hope you guys enjoyed it. And please check out my new questions books. Love peace bye 💕❤️

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