SummerSlam match

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Long ass chapter but j hope you enjoy it.


Sasha and Brie squared up in the ring as the bell had began wrung. You can see the real tension between them. Brie isn't faking being mad at her. And Sasha isn't faking being mad at Brie. She didn't even listen to what she had to say, it's not like they were in an established relationship. Brie and Sasha started to circle each other and the crowd is genuinely impressed with them.

Without warning Brie managed to kick Sasha in the shins, the boss doubled over, hissing. Brie smiled and kicked her in a stomach area, delivering 'The Bella Buster'.
Sasha fell on her face and Brie turned her around to lay on her back, going for the pin.

"Wow! These women are main eventing SummerSlam- wow Brie is going for the early pin!" JBL commentated.

The crowd looking on closely, the ref counted to two and Sasha kicked out. Brie smirked, standing up, knowing that Sasha was going to kick out. Brie pulled her up by her hair but Sasha pushed her back, sending Brie fumbling back. Sasha nodded at Brie who growled. "I'm the boss! And you don't betray a boss!" Sasha yelled at her and the crowd chanted causing her to smile.

Brie went to push her back but she grabbed Brie's hand twisting it back. "Ah!" The Bella cried in pain but Sasha smiled. She worked her way out. Sasha then ran and deliver a clothes line to Brie, causing her to fall and get up. Banks continued to do that until Brie roll out the ring. Sasha followed her but she had already grabbed the kendo stick, actually hitting her in the stomach. Brie got up and continued to hit her in the back. The crowd booed loudly at Brie.

Minutes into the match and the crowd is nuts, Sasha is hitting Brie in the back with the chair, while Brie cried out in pain, yet have time to think of ironic it is, since she thinks Sasha stabbed her in the back. When Sasha finally stopped, grinning at the smiling crowd.

"I can tell you now, I'm never getting Sasha angry." Jerry said causing the other two commenters to agree.

"I mean look at Brie she can barely move. These women are going hard at it." Cole added in.

"We want tables!" The crowd began to chant. Just on cue, both ladies thought. "You guys want tables?!" Sasha shouted earning massive reactions from the crowd who erupted in yes chants. "Okay!" Sasha smiled and slipped out the ring to grab a table from under it. The crowd loving it. Brie rolled out as well going for the weapon. The crowd watched closely as Brie pulled out a ladder.

"Is that a ladder Brie is grabbing?! No way! Have she lost her mind!! Ladders end careers!" JBL, in legit shock and slight worry announced.

Brie sort of hearing him since she is on the commentaors side. Sasha slid back in with the table as did Brie with the ladder. Both ladies eying their weapons then each other.

"This is awesome!" The crowd already started to chant. Brie smirked at the boss. Sasha held her table to the side rushing towards Brie to attack but Brie used the ladder, sending Sasha and her table down. "You have never and will never be on my level!" Brie shouted though she didn't mean it but her character did. Brie set her ladder up and then took the table off of Sasha setting that up as well.

"Brie had just set up both the ladder and the table what does she have in mind here?" Micheal Cole truly asked. Jerry shrugged. "I don't know but whatever it is can't be good for Sasha." He replied. "I agree with you there Lawler." JBL added in.

Brie then picked up Sasha and placed her on the table. "I'm going to end you!!" She shouted, irking the crowd more. Brie began to climb the ladder ready to jump but Sasha swiftly moved out of the way, and kicked Brie in the stomach, causing Brie to hold her stomach as her lower back went through the ladder.

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