Anixety attack

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Brie sat backstage taking deep breathes suddenly feeling the weight of the world on her shoulder. She feels as if everything could go wrong or something can be fatal. She feels her heart beating mad crazy while she tries her best to contain it. It didn't help because her hands began to shake uncontrollably and she began to get the feeling she wants to throw up all the while trying to fight back tears. What is wrong with her? She questions herself. This feeling just suddenly came over her and there is nothing she can do for it or nothing she can think of that triggered it. It wasn't the first time but it was so long ago it felt like it for Brianna.

When did it started? It started right after she left Stephanie's office and was told to break a leg. She was ordered to interrupt The League of Nations promo to do one of her own against Paige. She just feel like she can miss her cue, say the wrong things, go out too early, get fired and more. This never happened before when given an order form the boss/es she is usually very happy to do so. It was a goal of her's to interrupt the men but now that it is happening she is having an anxiety or panic attack.

"Brie!" Sasha called out to her, very worried. Sasha looked at her sweaty and shaking friend becoming very scared. Brie didn't respond, she didn't hear her. Sasha called her twice more before Brie's head snap towards her, a scared and confuse look came across her face. "What is wrong with you?" Sasha asked pushing some hair from her face. Brie looked at her and shook her head. "I'm fine." That answer was a lie and anyone would have known that. Sasha raised a brow, not knowing what to do. "I-I can't." Brie mumbled out as tears fell from her eyes. "So many bad things. I'd screw up." She kept on saying. It broke Sasha's heart but confused her. What is Brie going on about? The boss thought looking at the younger Bella. "What?" She questioned. Sasha never saw Brie or anyone like this really. She saw nervous but this was definitely more. "Oh gosh I wanna throw up." Brie complained bending over to lay on her knees. Sasha simply rubbed her back, now hearing sobbing, while trying to figure it out.

"I want Nicole! Nikki!" Brie suddenly sat back up straight and called out for her twin sister making Sasha feel bad but she understood. Nicole is the person she knew her whole life. "I'll go get her." Sasha told as Brie looked at her scared as if she is afraid to be left alone. Brie just don't want Sasha to go because then she will be all by herself, open to predators. It's stupid she knows. But she feel safer knowing someone is by her side. "Okay, I'll call her over my phone." Brie gave her a small smile before shifting her body, sideways on the chair and putting her arms on the tip of the backrest and resting her head on her arms.

"Hello?" Nikki answered her phone but you tell she is laughing at something.

"Nikki! I need you.....well Brie needs you." Sasha informed and the older Bella's voice changed.

"What? Why? What happened?" Nikki asked, standing up from her seat. Sasha look at the shaking Brie.

"I don't know. She is crying and shaking and feeling to puke. Just get here. We are pass Stephanie's office in the free space."


With that Sasha walked over to Brie again and played with her hair unknowingly calming Brie down. They both waited for Nikki to get here already. Brie was still somewhat freaked out. Sasha was still clueless. Becky rounded the corner and saw them both immediately rushing over to the two. "What happened?" She asked softly but voice fill with care. Brie start to feel worse knowing that two people saw her like this but didn't say or do anything. "I don't know but Nikki is coming." And as if on cue Nikki ran right in and hugged her sister. Brie felt so relieved and hugged her back even tighter beginning to cry.

"What happened?" Nikki pulled away, kneeling in front of her sister with her hands in hers.

"I can't do it Nicole. It is too much pressure." The other three ladies all looked at each other confused. Sasha's bad feeling resurface seeing that Brie couldn't tell her what happened.

"What is too much pressure? You don't have the title or a big match tonight." Nikki soothed her sister.

"No but I have a big promo against Paige where I call her out and interrupt the League of Nations' promo." Becky and I look at each shocked, seeing that Brie always wanted that.

"It is your dream, why are you sad?"

"I'm not sad. I'm nervous. I'm having an anxiety attack." It all made sense now.

"Can you tell Stephanie to cancel it?" Nikki shook her head.

"You can't. You have to face your problems." Brie knew she was right but she don't care for the moving speeches.

"Next time, I swear." Sasha sighed, feeling horrid for Brie.

"Next time? There won't no next time." Becky giggled a bit when Nikki said that reminding her of a verse in 'I love the way you lie'. All eyes landed on her.

"Sorry you just sounded like slim shady." Becky told and everyone rolled their eyes.

"You're my twin, you can do it." Brie's eye filled with hope when she suggested that but fell when Nikki shook her head, no.

"Brie it's either you do this or lose your job." Nikki is being extreme but who cares?

"But I'd still lose my job if I screw up badly out there." Brie contoured back.

"At least you'd leave with a bang. You'd leave fearless for facing your faces. At least you can say you tried. At least you won't be a quitter. Going out there can make you the most memorable person ever. Just do it."

"Now she sounds like Shia." Becky cracked up and everyone looked at her but simply shook their heads, done with Becky.

Brie studied her sisters words and decided to do it. Still nervousness but slightly better. She stood up and so did Nicole. Hugging her sister.

"I will. Let me go and get my face all better." Brie smiled and Nikki nodded. The twins waved at the two ladies and walked off.

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