Parking lot

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Unedited for now, sorry.

Sasha's pov

"Brie!" I shouted after her, running to catch up with her after looking all over for her. Brie ignored me, hustling to put her bags in the back of her trunk. She closed the trunk and rush over to driver's seat, opening the door but luckily I closed it before she even had chance to get it.

Huffing I tried to catch my breath not missing her eye roll. "Look, I'm sorry." I started off saying but look and the little sound she gave showed she is not interested in my words. "Great. Can you move from my car?" The sheer sarcasm and bitchiness in her words and voice kinda stings but not bad enough to actually make me move. Fully gaining back my breathe, I stood up a bit straighter.

"I didn't mean too." I started off by saying, Brie gave a small bitter smile before pursing her lips and jumping her brows basically saying 'is that it?'. Swallowing and exhaling loudly at her non-changing mindset. I didn't really think things out so I don't really know what to say. "I really don't know how to phrase the words I feel. I didn't have time to think this out." I confessed, with that being the only thing that came to my mind.

"Then maybe you shouldn't have followed me out here." Brie spoke so coldly it almost broke me. I squinted my eyes at her, shaking my head with slightly parted lips. "It's like you hate me." Astound I am, its written all over my face and words along with hurt and pain. And for the first time since I came out here Brie actually showed an emotion that wasn't on the anger side. Her face dropped and soften a bit as if she is shocked by me but that didn't last long. "Wow. There you go again, making me feel bad for something I didn't do." Brie proclaimed not even trying to mask the pain in her voice, she let it all out, looking into my eyes.

"I-I didn't mean too." I truly didn't.

Her eyes widen as if I'm some sort of hypocrite. "You had so many times to tell me what happened but you lied over and over to my face. You lied in my face Sasha. So yeah I think you wanted too."

You know that stupid side of you when you did something wrong and is in the wrong and someone rightfully calls you up on it and you get all defensive? Yeah. What is it called again? Ignorance? Arrogance? Either way that was how I feel at the moment. "We weren't together Brie!!!" I shouted at her, pinning the blame on her as if she is overreacting.

"I know!!! That's why it hurts so much that you lied to me. That you switched up on me and made me feel like I was terrible!! This isn't based over what you did with Finn it's base on the fact that you, Mercedes, lied." Brie won. My arrogance couldn't even argue with that, just leaving me stunned. Brie used her arm and pushed my body out of the way, entering her car, she drove off.

"What the hell was that about? What did you do with Finn that has Brie so upset? Why'd you lie?" A random Seth appeared besides me asking, scaring me at his suddenness because I didn't know he was there now here. I looked up at him. "You need to mind your business and stop lurking on people's conversations." I pushed pass him after if saying, in no mood to deal with him at the moment.

Seth' pov

"Finn!" I called his name after entering the men's locker room, seeing him and Sami there only. Both looked at me. "What is it, man?" His Irish accent filled my ears while Sami just looked at me expectantly. "I've got to ask you something. Sorry Sami but it may be private." I informed both men. Sami looked a bit shocked but shrugged it off, understanding. "Sure, I'd just walk a bit." Sami told, throwing the shirt over his head and heading out, leaving Finn and I to watch him until he closed the door behind himself.

"What is it?" Finn looked clueless and a bit frightful for whatever reason, I inhaled and looked at him. "What happened with you and Sasha?" I questioned him taking him by surprise. "W-what? H-How do you even?" His words stuttered and sentence incomplete. "Just tell me what happened man." I pushed him because Brie and Sasha seemed really angry. "How is this your business?" Finn asked and he had a right too but it still pissed me off a bit. "Because Sasha is hurting and not only her. They are my friends." I honestly said, neglecting to say Brie's name. Finn sighed and run his hand through his hair.

"Fine. A day I had called Sasha over since her and I are-were good friends." He started off and I nodded, slowly. "Well I had gotten her tickets to the show were stars and drama-" I cut him off in pure shock. I didn't just hear that right, did I? Because no way. "How?! Man that shit is basically myth since so many people can't get in!!" I exclaimed. Finn chuckled at my reaction. "A friend owed me major time so I got his tickets. He works as a writer to the play so he had first hand tickets." Finn informed me and I'm still shocked. The only way I would have given those tickets is if he saved my life and even if then its still ify.

"Anyway if you knew Sasha you'd know it was her dream to go." It sure was, I nodded agreeing with him. "Anyway I gave her it, she was happy and then I kissed her because I thought we had a thing and she kissed me back and freaked out afterwards. So she avoided me a while and then at summer slam we talked but I fucked shit up and said shit making her storm out." Finn confessed and it made sense but why was Brie mad.

"Huh. Her and Brie were arguing over you. She said Sasha lied to her. Do you think Brie may have had a thing for you?" I asked the Irishman. His brows knitted and he raised his shoulders. "I mean I wouldn't have guessed she barely talked to me, ignored my existence and sometimes even seemed mad at me." Finn said making my eyes widen as I hit his shoulder. "What the fuck was that for?" He whined like a little baby. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at his cluelessness. "Dude that's all the signs a girl likes you!!!" I exclaimed and Finn finally saw the light. "Ohhh." We nodded together after he said that. "Brie is pretty hot." Finn bit his lip saying and I grinned hugely.

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