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Brie's pov

"You can't stay mad at Nicole forever." Sasha warned lightly. I gave her a challenging look, making her sigh. "She is your sister. Your twin sister." She pushed but I simply shrugged, that doesn't disqualify her from being a nosy bitch. "She can suck it for all I care." I angrily answered. "Don't be stubborn. Just go talk it out." Why is so calm about this? Didn't she hear what Nikki said to me.

"No! She humiliated me! You can't just dump someone on a date! It is stupid and embarrassing but most of all down right bitchy. She is flat out bitchy." I complained.

"You've got a point." Sasha raised her hands in the air saying making me smile a tad. "But that was the same point you had last week. She apologized and Seth is fine. Don't be like this anymore Brie." There goes my feeling of accomplishment.

"Yeah but are you fine? I know you were doubting yourself. I saw how hurt you were." I walked over to her placing my hand on her soft cheek. She smiled and held my hand on her face.

"I was but you are here with me. And it was a week go." She then began move her shoulders. "Week ago, week ago." She sang and I laughed a bit.

"You ruined it. I was trying to be mad." I muttered looking down in mock sadness.

"Not around me." She looked me in the eyes before letting her eyes dropped to my lips and I know exactly what she wants so I denied her of it for siding with Nicole. I leaned in close to her lips, leaving little to room. I smirked when she closed her eyes prepared and that was when I removed my hand from her face and hugged her tightly. Keeping my laughter from erupting. She hugged me back and whispered. "You're a real bitch." I burst out laughing at those words.

"That would explain why you always come to my hotel room." I let my finger trace her lips for a while, wanting nothing more than to kiss the shit out of them.

"Honey you're in my room." She pointed out like a smartass, I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Why don't you use your smartass mout for something other than talking." I hinted, flirting with her. Her cheeks flushed a bit.

"You want me to sing you a song?" The innocence in her voice clashed with the sarcasm and the mean smirk.

"Bitch." I muttered and closed the space between our lips. The kiss started off all slow and loving, with her hands on my waist. Then it gradually got way more heated resulting in me hovered over her with both my legs to either sides of her, hands gripping each other around her neck. Her hands place rather close to my ass. I huffed and pulled away she looked at me slightly worried and confused by the annoyed expression on my face. "I'm not a nun Sasha, I'm sure your hands can go lower." I smirked seeing the relief and lust taking over her features. I kissed her again and we immediately go for the tongue, she let her hand go lower down my back until she finally gripped my ass with both hands and I released a very pleased gasp. "There you go." I practically said in her mouth. She replied with nothing, just more kissing. I let my hand reach the hem of her tee about to take it off when someone knocked. Fuck!

I groaned sourly and got off the just as upset Sasha. "Hold on!" She said. Trying to fix herself, I smirked and jumped on her bed, pulling out my phone, acting causal as hell. Sasha quickly fixed herself , reapplying lipgloss I snickered and she flipped me off. I just watch back at my phone.

"Hey guys!" That cherry tone in her voice better fake because I'm sure as heck not happy from being interrupted from my beautiful make out scene with my beautiful lady. "What brings you here." She asked

"We just wanted to hang out and figured we come here." I heard the voice of Becky. Ah, if Becky 'accidentally' get a slap in the ring from me, I won't be that sorry.

"Becky thought it was brilliant." Charlotte's voice than came into my ears, ah, two accidental slaps, noted. "Sorry did we interrupt you or something? You look a bit.....disheveled." I bit back a laugh. That is what happens when she was in the middle of kissing me.

"Ah, no. Brie and I were just practicing some moves." My pink hair baby lied. Oh she is good.

"Oh! Brie is here too! Let's get the party started!" I heard Becky hollered and than she popped into my sight. "Brieeee!" Becky jumped onto me, hugging me, causing me to break out in fits of laughter.

"You're squashing me!" I shout out, giggling at her wild, whacky, crazy ways. She pinched my cheek and kissed my forehead causing me to squirm and smile. She then got off of me. I looked to see charlottes looking at us as if we just escaped a mad house, cracking a smile after. Sasha send me a jealous glare before smiling. I smirked.

"So what are we doing?" Sasha asked as she and Charlotte hopped on the king size bed.

"Twenty questions!" Becky excitedly suggested but we all shook our heads. "Truth or dare!" We shook our heads again. "Dare or dare....?" Her voice uncertain and we shook our heads once more earning a glare from Becky.

"Too childish. What do grown women do?" Charlotte asked and we tell she is thinking.

"Talk about the hot guys!" I happily suggested knowing that I can somehow either make Sasha jealous or incredibly turned on, maybe even both. Sasha ignored me but the other two doesn't.

"Exactly!" Charlotte pointed at me before we high five each other.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! And we can bad talk our bosses! Every grown working woman do that." And like that Becky had a great idea.

"Cheers for Becky's good idea." Sasha announced, clapping like she is at a Beyoncé concert and we joined in making Becky fake a teary smile and royal wave. We burst into laughter.

"I heard so many things about Vince.....from my dad......." Charlotte trailed with a sassy attitude that means that what she heard is going to be juicy.

"Spill! Spill! Spill!" The other three of us suddenly chanted, shocked and impressed by our similar thinking.

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