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Brie's pov

Sasha has been acting really weirdly around me lately and I have no idea as to why. One minute she is all cuddly and nice to me, next she is running away from me. It took so much out of me to even talk to her after she left me high and dry the other day. Nikki, Seth and Owens said to forget about her and all agreed on that fact but the thing is the next day she came over and ignore all of Finn's calls and messages and just watch shows and exercise with me, which was really weird but I liked it.

"You okay?" I asked Sasha, straight into backstage as I got ready for our tag match.

"Yeah I'm fine." She replied not even looking me. Guess she is in her cold mood. What sucks even more is that it is sort of showing when we are out there in the ring.

"Cool." I muttered to myself a bit pissed because I hate dealing with moody people, especially people who are moody out of the blue like Sasha started being.

I just rolled my eyes and smiled at the stage managers, when our theme hit the arena. We walked out together like everything is fine, Sasha acting happy. I really just want to roll my eyes but I will save that for later.

We got in the ring and receive our cheers, seeing that I managed to turn Sasha a face. Well the script did anyway, we share a side hug, stopping when Summer's music hit.

"Ugh, these straps are too tight." Sasha complained referring to her gear and the straps around her one arm, I looked at Summer and Emma, rolling my eyes in their direction but it was directed more so towards Sasha. "Brie could you help me try to loosen it?" She asked, stretching her arm out to me and it will look bad if I ignore it. I smiled falsely and then helped her, while Summer and Emma entered the ring.

The match began and ended in like five minutes and of course we won. I mean Summer and Emma are great but WWE uses them as jobbers.

Sasha and I went backstage and she just took off, I'm not even surprised just annoyed. I grabbed a towel and a bottle of water, along with my phone, looking to find my sister or anyone really to talk too.

"Finn, just stop." I came to a screeching halt when I heard Sasha spoke. I narrowed my eyes and just listened in.

"What is the big deal? That happens all the time to people. I just don't get why you are acting like this Sasha." Finn replied, what are they talking about? Could it be the reason why she acting like this.

"I don't care, I don't want the ticket anymore." Her told, sounding really sad. What ticket.

"Sasha it's the night you've been dreaming of, for a while, I got tickets that some celebs want and you're giving that up?" Finn sounded surprised and a mad honestly. Wait he could her tickets to that actors thing, I forgot it's name. But she wanted to go there for a while now, I just thought it was unattainable. Why is she giving that up? It's her dream. I can see why Finn sounds shocked and I mad, I would be too. Shit, how did he even get those tickets?

"Well I can't go anymore." Sasha sulked, I can't see her but I know how she must look and I really don't want to bend my head around the corner because I don't want to risk being caught eavesdropping.

"Why?" Finn sounded firm.

"Because I just can't!" Sasha's voice raised slightly, her anger seeping, she hates to me questioned a lot. But she isn't giving actual reasons, so I can see why Finn is mad with her.

"It was just a kiss Sasha! We kissed! I don't get what the problem is since your single, unless you aren't.." My heart dropped at his words, she kissed him. That would explain it all, why did I think I could have trusted her.

"I am single, I just, Finn I can't I'm sorry." She apologized. I rolled my eyes as tears started to well up in them, I turned on my heel and quickly walked away.

I just can't believe her! She could have told me, I would have tell her. Should I even be angry and heartbroken when we weren't even and official couple? Maybe, maybe not but I am. It just hurts knowing after having such a good time with me she kissed him. Maybe I'm not good enough for her. Maybe, she loves him and not me and is using me as a distraction away from him. I mean when he came I was jealous she spend all her time with him but I never would have guessed she would kiss him but like I said we aren't together she can do as she pleases and so can I. And what I please to do is not speak to her!

(A/n: this isn't edited but guys I have like no time on my hands right now, so I'm sorry for taking so long to updated and sorry for the errors, i will fix them in the future.)

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