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Sasha's pov

"Brianna! Stop looking around and hurry and take my picture." I heard Nicole whined. I turned to see Brie rolling her eyes but snapping a picture of Nicole before telling her how to pose for another, smiling afterwards. "You look so hot here." I overheard Brie saying to Nicole who is now standing besides her with the phone in her hands. "Post this one." Brie continued and Nikki nodded. Stretching out her hand, taking a selfie with Brie, I pulled out my phone and snap a picture of them taking the selfie, waiting for them to post it so I can post my picture.

"Why did you that?" Becky asked with a laugh in her voice, I turned back around to face her.

"To show the fans what that picture looked like from my angle." I informed and Becky shook her head laughing.

"You can tweet that 'from my angel they look acute'" the Irish woman cracked herself up saying while I stared at her blankly, blinking rapidly. "Get it? Because acute is a type of angle." She tried to justify her already terrible pun.

"That will not go on my Twitter. I have to make it mean-ish since I'm sort of feuding with Brie though we are teamed up now." I explained, twisting my lips afterwards, thinking.

"Then say that 'they may look right from their angle but you always preferred acute angles." Becky laughed loudly choking on her grape, I made no attempts to help her. "Thanks for the help Mercedes." She told after she stopped choking making me wink playfully at her smiling.

"Anytime Rebecca." I replied causing her to roll her eyes. She tied her fiery orange hair up with a rubber band.

"Hey girlies." Nikki greeted with Brie alongside her. I smiled at both twins but checked out Brie who is looking extra ho- "what are you two up too? We saw Becky laughing her life away over here." Nikki pointed to Becky for a fleeing second.

"Literally laughing her life, she almost choked and died on a grape." I blankly informed. Both twins nod a laugh spreading over Nikki's face.

"Yea' and Sasha did nothing to help me." Becky's accent thick and strong with an even stronger glare towards me which made me burst out laughing and soon enough everyone joined.

"I would have helped you Becks." Brie consoled, placing her hand on Becky's shoulder.

"Don't lie Brie. It doesn't look good on you." I playfully said to her earning a gasp from her and snickers from the rest.

"I'm not lying and everything looks good on me babe." She seductively but playfully said back earning 'ohs' from the other two. I grabbed my phone and look down to stop the blush and the hot rush, rushing through me from her words.

"Please." I sarcastically muttered out knowing if I said nothing it would have cause questions. Thankfully Nikki nor Becky seemed to notice my sudden actions but Brie sure did and she is beaming. I'd so get her back.

"Scoot around, I've been standing for so long." Brie told me, I rolled my eyes and created space for her on the single seater chair. Nikki and Becky followed our lead, sharing a chair also.

"I was thinking, don't you guys think it's time Brianna started to date someone." Both Brie and I choked up at Nikki's words.

"You are single too, Nicole." Brie tried to play it off as nothing. Hearing her say 'single too' kinda hurt since we aren't in a relationship and may never be, even though I won't mind. Nikki rolled her eyes.

"Not really, I've got invited to go on a date with John." She blushed just mentioning his name and I wish I can freely blush like that when I mention Brie or she hold me.

"So because you are going on a date I must go too?" The irritation and annoyance towards her sister is clear in Brie's voice. Nicole sighed and shrugged a bit.

"Well yeah but you haven't been with someone in years. You need sex Brie. Every woman do." I looked away at those words. I can legit feel the heat rushing through me.

"I'm fine." Brie flatly spoke and I know she trying to keep her anger at bay.

"Okay fine, but when was the last time you kissed someone?" Nikki asked, I quickly turned to look at the flustered and red face Brie to see what she would have said, if she would have sold us out.

"See been so long you can't even remember. That's why I arranged a date for you with Seth." My breathe got caught in my throat. Brie's eyes wide, angry.

"No Nicole! He is not my type and a bit creepy! Just stay out of my life!" Brie spat at her sister getting up and walking away. Nikki turned to me with pout and exhausted look.

"That was interesting." Becky spoke slowly.

"What do you think Sasha?" Nicole, asked me about what just transpired between her and Brie.

"I know you are looking out for Brie but maybe she isn't ready or some thing. It was wrong of you to do. Now two people can get hurt. I'll go check on Brie for you. Don't worry I'd put in a good word." With that, I left to find Brie not giving Nikki time to say anything but I know she is sulking and she should be. I'm worried Brie might actually go on the date and fall for Seth leaving me behind, I don't want to lose her, I can't, not yet, at least. Maybe she will find in him what I can't offer, acceptance from everyone, she won't have to hide from anyone and be able to kiss him freely and Seth is an amazing wrestler and as much as I hate to say it sort of good looking. But I'm selfish and I won't lose Brie now, nope, she is mine.

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