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Summer slam

Brie's pov

Ignoring the fall out I just had with Sasha I sat in make-up, getting myself all dolled up. I'm already dressed with a robe covering myself, so no make up or whatever can fall on my gear and its white so I have to be extra cautious. I use to be so excited for the match, I couldn't wait for it, too live in the moment but now I can't wait for it to come and be over with or not come at all.

She lied to me, I wanted to forgive her and I would have. I heard how she reacted and what she gave up just form that kiss she had with Finn. When I asked I was ready to forgive her. For her to tell me what happened and how she felt about it but she lied. It just stings. Not only as the person I was sort of seeing but as a friend. I could've gotten it when it happened, your mind is racing and you're scared. So yes I got why she didn't tell me when it happened. But after a few days, after we stop talking she could have told me.

"Brianna, let's go. Our match in is five." Nikki rounded the corner saying. I looked at Kira the make up artist and she nodded. "Thanks." I told her making her smile. I got up and walked with my competitor for the next match, well one of them. "Where is Naomi?" I questioned, walking hand in hand with my sister who wore her classic red gear. "She is already there, waiting on us. Where is Sasha?" I sighed hearing that name. Nikki knows where her partner is and I don't. "No idea." My voice cold but I know hurt can be heard in it. Nikki gave me a sorry smile. "Maybe she is there already." Nikki knew Sasha and I aren't close and Finn is the cause but she doesn't know the nitty gritty details. I'm not ready to tell her. I mean I don't even know what Sasha and I hav- had. What Sasha and I had. All I know is that she destroyed what ever the hell it was.

In rare instances Nikki was right, Sasha and Naomi were already there. I guess Sasha went when Nikki left to get me. I walked up to gorilla and remained silent. The awkwardness affecting everyone. "Brie you are turning on her tonight. Don't actually hurt her." Naomi jokingly warned but I can tell she was serious and to be fair I have thought about giving her a bruised lip but I won't, I can't.

I gave Trin (Naomi) a tight smile but said nothing. I can feel Sasha's eyes on me but I won't dare look at her. If I do I may explode and walk off and I don't want to be fired.  The stage managers and set people looked at Nikki and Naomi as the Golden Truth came backstage followed by the winning team of Breezdango, each team telling us good luck. A minute that was used to show the promo of our storyline showed before Nikki and Naomi were told to go out. "You two better act like a team out there." Nikki warned just before she left.

I inhaled and began to roll my neck, loosening up my muscles. The crowd booed Nikki and Naomi as they are the heel team. I glanced at Sasha to find her looking at me her eyes sorry but I turned away. I can't, I just can't.

"Introducing the team of the divas champion Sasha Banks and Brie Bella who also calls themselves The Originals!" JoJo announced. I plastered on a fake smile as Sasha and I went out to her music. Seeing that Sasha is the champ we never really could have gotten a team theme song.

Sasha and I gave each other smiles bouncing fist, walking to the ring. Fake smiles and fake happiness. I wanted real smiles and real happiness but of course that had gotten ruined.

The bell rang and Sasha started off first. "Sasha! Sasha!" I chanted as Nikki was in complete dominance. The crowed got behind me. Nikki pick the champ up and gave her a suplex. Nikki stood up soaking in the boos as Sasha laid flat on her back. "Sasha, Sasha." Nikki mocked, rolling her eyes afterwards provoking the crowd into loud boos. "Ah!" Sasha yelled in pain as Nikki dragged her over to her corner by Naomi, making the tag. Naomi entered, running over to me and knocking me off the apron before tackling Sasha. I just sat against the barricade for a few before going back on the apron.

"You're not a real champ Sasha! Nikki and I are!" Naomi declared kicking Sasha in the gut. "You and Brie get all the attention when we deserve it!" I rolled my eyes when she kicked Sasha. "C'mon Sasha!" I called out. Wow, I really am acting like her team mate. I hope no one notices I'm actually pissed at my tag partner. Sasha got up and jumped kicked Naomi.

The tags we made and I entered the ring and so did Nikki. The crowd chanted. I nodded at them. Nikki kicked me, they are dominating right now.

But that didn't last long as I picked up the win. "And you're winners! The team of Brie Bella and the divas Champion Sasha Banks!" JoJo announced. I faked a pout and waved to Nikki and Naomi who are making their ways up the ramp. Sasha was given her title as she raised it. The ref raised our hands as Sasha's theme played. Sasha hugged me and I hugged her back. It just feels weird hugging someone you are mad at. "I'm sorry." She whispered in my ears. I pulled away and smile, all the cameras are focused on us. I couldn't look angry and hurt just yet.

The crowd cheered. Sasha climbed up on the second rope, holding her title up and smiling, I smiled besides her for bit but it was my cue to turn. In a swift motion and stood on the first rope and pulled Sasha down my her hair.

I can see the faces of some in the crowd and it's mostly filled with shock faces. It then rained cheers before I started to beat Sasha, not actually harming her of course. The crowd erupted in boos. "I'm the real champion!" I screamed! Holding her up by her hair as she barely stands. "I deserved better!" I shouted and I actually meant that. Sasha's eyes met mine and she knew I mean it. "You are nothing to me!" I declared loudly, that even hurt me to say. I kicked her in the gut and then delivered the Bella buster. I picked up her title and covered her face with it.

"You sold out!" Chants filled the place but I ignored it and stepped out the ring, walking backwards, looking at Sasha who barely sat up looking at me with actual sorry eyes. I reached mid-way up the ramp when I heard Stephanie's theme song.

I'm actually confused we didn't go over this. This isn't in the script or anything. I look at Sasha who is also genuinely confused. The principle owner of WWE (well one of them) Stephanie walked out and stood at the top of the ramp. I looked at her utterly confuse. She shined in the hate from the crowd. I do vaguely remembered her telling Sasha and I there will be more surprises but I never guessed it be here or now.

"I'm sure everyone is wondering why I'm out here, especially you two ladies." I nodded, actually confused not faking it because this wasn't in the script. "Well I know that the day would come when one of you would betray the next." It may be me in the script but the real betrayer here is Sasha. "But I guess we always figured it'd be Sasha right?" Well you figured right. Stephanie held out the mic to the crowd and 'yes' were heard, I rolled my eyes. "Anyway it doesn't matter who. I knew it would happened but I never guessed that it be on the second biggest stage of them all, SummerSlam which is smart on Brie's end." She clapped at me and I nodded still confused. The WWE universe however booed me. "And with me being smart. I figured why not have a match between these two." Okay that was expected but is she really going to advertise the next ppv here? The crowd cheered loudly. "After that amazing match at Mania I think we can all agree we want a next match between these two right!?!" Stephanie hyped up the crowd who is now 'Yes' chanting. I looked over to Sasha who has made her way to ropes, standing looking utterly confused. "Well why not have match number two at our second biggest show of the year-" my eyes widen. No she can't be serious, I shook my head. We didn't even practice. The crowd is loving it, the loudness of them is off the charts. Stephanie nodded happily. "Well you got it! Tonight's main event have been changed to Sasha vs Brie in a no DQ match for the title!!!" The boss basically shouted into the mic. "See you ladies later." She walked away backstage.

What the hell just happened?!? Sasha looks clueless but the crowd is chanting away. I guess I better get back into character. I smirked. "I'm winning that belt!" I shouted and began to walk away as Sasha shouted back things at me.

(A/n: guys I'm making a new Sasha / Brie book. This one will still exist and be updated but I just have a killer idea for next? Should I post it. Or should I switch up the couple to someone else.)

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