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Brie and Sasha are in a good place. A good secret place. But it's still a good place. Secluded and all. And yes it can be hard at times for the two, but they don't complain.

This isn't the story where one wants to come out and the other doesn't. It's not. Well, at least not yet.

Both want to stay nice and tucked in their Bi ass closets. So, no it doesn't get hard in that regard. It gets hard when all Sasha wants to do is kiss the shit out of Brie anytime she see her. When Brie has to listen to Nikki pester her about finding a man, when all she wants a certain woman. It gets hard when they are doing promo in front of everyone and struggle not to kiss or do some shit. It's hard when they have to make up excuses as to why they must always room together. It was hard to just act like friends.

It was hard because Brie was right, Sasha wanted more than kissing. Brie did to, but she was scared. She wasn't a virgin but she was virgin when it came to being with another girl.

"Hey, I'm going to shower, I'll be back soon," Brie got up from her bed, walking over to kiss Sasha on the cheek. They decided not to share a bed, just incase someone barges in -which was bullshit, they both knew it. Brie was scared it lead to other things and Sasha was scared that holding Brie while she slept would make her fall in love. She likes Brie, a lot, but she doesn't need to be in love with something that doesn't seem like it would last long. That's why Sasha was so eager to live each moment with her. She wanted all of Brie before life tear them apart. "Yeah," Sasha smiled. Biting her lip as Brie left. She had an idea. A risqué one.

Brie was minding her own business, showering as she hummed a song. Sasha stood outside listening in, taking a deep breath. Exhaling loudly, she stripped her clothes and opened the door. Brie didn't bother to look at Sasha, thinking she maybe just came to gather or grab something.

That changed however when with a shaky breath, Sasha exhaled as pulled across the shower curtain, revealing a wet, naked Brie, which turned on the purple head way more than she thought it should.

Brie's eyes widened, her eyes going up and down Sasha's body. Sasha smiled and slipped in besides her. Shit! Brie thought. She got nervous, she knew what Sasha was implying. Seeing Brie being frozen, Sasha made the first move, kissing her, which Brie allowed to happen. She liked kissing Sasha. She wasn't really all that into the kiss, now because she was in shock but she still kissed back. Sasha took that as sign to go further.

Still kissing the twin, she pushed the younger Bella back on the wall, now kissing her neck, Brie closed her eyes. It was bliss. A scary bliss though. Breathing softly, Brie's breath hitched when Sasha pulled away from her neck, her eyes looking into Brie's. Sasha smiled and lowered her head, her mouth, heading straight for Brie's boob and Brie had had enough. Gently pushing her away, she rushed out the bathroom, hopping Sasha won't follow her. And she didn't.

"Fuck!" Sasha cursed to herself. She gripped her head and just let the water hit her. She heard Brie scrambling around. No doubt, hurrying so she can leave. "Fuck!" She cursed again a bit louder but Brie was too busy to hear. Sasha felt utterly stupid. And she also felt like a fool. But, further than that, she felt unattractive even. She left to think, and doubt and questions filled her mind. Did Brie find her unattractive?

And that wasn't the case. Shit! She was attractive enough to make her like her, a next woman! Brie wasn't ready! She was frightened and that annoyed her, but she couldn't shake it. Putting on a dress with underwear, Brie rushed out the room before Sasha returned and things felt awkward between them.

"Woah! Slow down!" A wild Nattie appeared once Brie raced for the elevator. Nattie was looking at her, questionably. Brie loved Nattie, she really did, but Nattie had to be the last person she wanted to see at the moment.

"Sorry, I got to go," Brie rushed pass, opting for the stairs and all, Nattie. Who was left looking at her strangely, surely she will ask other people about this. Ugh! Rumors. Just what Brie needed.


"Sasha!" She heard her name call from the familiar voice. Sasha groaned and rolled off if the bed, she laid on ever since she got out the shower and put on clothes.

"What?" She asked, opening the door to see a wild Seth standing there, drinking a cup of presumably coffee. He gave her a 'I deserve better than that' face, but Sasha didn't budge.

Seth rolled his brown eyes and spoke, "I think we should go out." No, was all that came to Sasha's mind. Hell no.

"Seth sweetie, I really don't want too. I just want to lay on my bed and drown in my thoughts. So thanks for the offer but goodb-" she was going to close the door on him afterwards but she didn't exactly get to finish her sentence. Seth pushed throw, walking in the room leaving Sasha to grit her teeth at the door, shaking her head.

"Why? Do you even want to drown in your thoughts? People only do so when their lives are shit -which is shit by the way. So, what I'm asking, is what have your life so shitty?" He asked when she closed the door and walked into her hotel room, seeing him sit on the edge of Brie's bed, she flopped onto hers.

"Don't wanna talk about it," she decided to say. She wasn't going to deny it and have him pester her until she gave in. She had been down that road with Seth and she hates it.

"Why not?" He asked sounding serious up until he took a ridiculous slurp of his coffee causing the purple hair woman to give him side eye, he shrugged. "I'm a slurper. Deal with it," he so rudely commanded. Sasha rolled her eyes and looked up at the ceiling. "So why not?"

"Because I don't want Colby," slightly angered by him she used his real name. Seth held his chest, knowing she pissed just by the usage of his birth name. It's not like she doesn't want to tell him (which she doesn't). It's just that she can't tell him. And she wants to tell at least one person but as Finn once said in a promo 'trust in this business is a rarity'. She just can't. That'd piss Brie off way more than she possibly is, wherever she is.

"Well, I don't feel valued." He dramatically told. Sasha ignored him. She wasn't in the mood for the dramatics. In fact she was trying to hold herself back from going into some kind of emotional breakdown.

Seth studied Sasha and sighed. He knew she was truly hurting and worrying over something. Kindness washing over him, he made his way over to her bed, sitting on the headboard, he hoist her up in a sitting position, cuddling her almost. Sasha thought it was the sweetest thing. And sometimes when you're emotional and someone does something sweet, especially cuddle you, it makes you cry. So she let the tears fell from her eyes.

"I messed up." Was the only piece of information Seth knew she was going to give him. So he took it.

"I'm sure you can fix it." He tried to comfort her. He didn't know if she really messed up or just felt like she did, since he didn't know the situation but he still hoped his words gave her hope. It didn't.

"Where is Brie?" He asked, finding it weird the champion isn't the room. A room they aren't even suppose to be sharing since they are storyline rivals and WWE doesn't really let on screen rivals travel or room together but they somehow broke that mold and Seth still wanted to know how.

"No fucking idea," Sasha sadly and guiltily admitted and Seth knew the reason for Sasha's mood had to deal with Brie. He doesn't know how. But ever since he saw them argue in the parking lot, he guesses it makes sense for them to still argue over Finn. Maybe that's why Sasha is mad, Seth thought. He began to smile to himself, thinking he figured the boss out. I'm a genius, he thought.

He was clueless.

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