At my door

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Brie smiled a smile of relief as she came back stage and hugged Nikki and Paige. She did it. She cut the promo, started off shaking but called it anger which went over greatly.

"See." Nikki bragged about being right. Brie rolled her eyes with a smile but nodded. Her sister was right. Sheamus high fives her and left. "I'm going by Nattie. You coming?" Nikki offered. Brie looked around to see if Sasha was there but didn't see her, deciding to go find Sasha she declined the offer. "No, thanks." Nicole pursed her lips and left. With that Brie set off the the find boss, who also helped her go out there night.

"Ambrose!" Brie called out as Dean turned to face her with his brows raised, in a questioning way. "Yeah Brie?" He answered looking at her. She send him a polite smile. "Have you seen Sasha?" Brie asked him looking behind him and around. "No. Is it important?" Is it? Brie began to move her head from side to side. "In a way, yeah. I want to thank her." Brie admitted with slight sigh. Dean nodded. "I'd like to help but I don't know where she went. But I know Seth would. So if you see him, ask him." I gave a thankfully smile and a quick hug as I jogged off to find 'The Boss'.

I saw Seth no where I decided I should just go to the divas locker room and that's where I went. I entered in and went to my bag to fetch my phone but I saw Sasha there instead. I gleamed brightly and rushed over to her hugging her. Sasha felt a pair of arms suddenly engulfing her as she tried to push whoever it was away. When Brie pulled back and looked Sasha. Sasha was sort of shocked to see her but somewhat angry.

"Hey. How come you won't waiting for me backstage after my promo?" Brie light heartedly asked. Sasha shrug in a rude manner. "Why would I?" The red headed replied getting up from the bench, walking over the faucet. Brie cocked her head, confused with the attitude. "I don't know. I just thought so." Brie replied ignoring the attitude. "Well you were wrong." Sarah coldly replied washing her hands, looking at herself in the mirror. Okay, now Brie was annoyed. "What is with the bitch attitude? Is it wrong I expected my friend to be there to congratulate me after my nervous breakdown?" Sasha rolled her eyes and walked over to grab her bags. Raw is almost done, the last match is happening now as they speak. "I didn't think you'd notice. Wasn't your sister there?" With one last cold stare Sasha walked out. Brie stood there shock at that outcome. She placed her hand on her hip, thinking about what Sasha just said. Then it came to her why Sasha was mad. Brie would have been too. It isn't like Brie did it to purposefully hurt her, she didn't. She is just more use to Nicole.

Sasha groan loudly at the knocking on her door, pulling it open. She lost her words when she saw Brie standing there. "Hey." Brie greeted looking at the surprised diva in front of her. "Why are you here?" Sasha skipped the formalities and got straight to the point. Brie smiled and invited herself in. "I didn't invite you in." Sasha was pissed at the action because she was still pissed at her.

"Look I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm more use to twin is all." Brie began to apologize making Sasha shut the door and shake her head at the excuse.

"I get that." She did. Brie got confused.

"So why are you mad?" The former divas champion asked her, innocently. She looks so cute, Sasha thought.

"It is just the fact you didn't trusted me enough to tell me what was happening to you." Brie's mouth feel open at the confession.

"That wasn't the case." Brie tried to denied it but Sasha didn't change her mind. "Like I said I'm just use to Nicole more. I do trust you." Brie meant it. She did trust Mercedes.

"Then why couldn't you tell me?! I get you calling for your sister but you could have at least not lie to me!"

"I......I'm sorry. I just didn't wanted you laugh at me." Brie looked away ashamed.

"You think I would laugh?" Her answer stunned her. She wouldn't have laughed at her for that. She was way too concern to even smile.

"Maybe! It was pathetic to be like how I was after years in the business. You are so strong and confident. I just thought you would have think I was pathetic. " Sasha got a sympathetic look on her face. "Look some things are just so pathetic that you only feel safe telling your family." Brie looked at her, then smile. "But you did make me feel safe. That's the reason why I didn't wanted you leave. You calmed me down and helped me. So thank you."

Sasha gained a crocked smile as she looked down at her bare feet. She wasn't angry anymore, Brie had a point. A good one at that. It made her feel great to know she helped Brie out in that time.

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you. I just want to know you trust and need me." The champ admitted making Brie smiled brightly.

"I do. And I'm sorry for not telling you." They both smiled brightly at each other trying to ignore their connection.

"Wanna watch supernatural?" Sasha offered and Brie smiled brightly hoping on the hotel bed. Sasha laughed and pulled out her laptop setting things up. The show started and they fell into a comfortable silence.

Minutes pass and the two move closer to each other until they were touching. Brie blushed, loving it while Sasha tried to ignore it. "You want anything to dri-" Sasha turned her face to ask Brie looking at her but got cut off when she suddenly felt the younger of the franchise diva's lips on hers. Shock froze her body and Brie pulled away thinking she upset her. It's just that she could resist anymore. She missed her lips on Sasha's even if it only happened once before. "I'm sor-" before she can finish the apology she is pulled into a needy kiss making her smile. Sasha climbed on top of her as she pushed her tongue in Brie's mouth earning a moan. Sasha is loving this, she was needing this. Brie held her waist, deepening the kiss even more. Feeling herself fall more for Sasha. Sasha rubbed her chest against Brie's making the two moan, loving the feeling. "I wanted this." Sasha told pulling away looking. At Brie who look super happy. "Same." With that the two shared a small kiss and cuddled for the rest of the night.

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